Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
jest kilka rzeczy w angielskim które stwarzają mi problem.. mógłbym prosić o sprawdzenie i ewentualną korektę?? :)

1. Of course, the car is not the most ECONOMICAL from of transport. [ECONOMY]
2. He wrote a book on a POLITICAL system of USA. [POLITICS]
3. The change from comunism to capitalism was introduced in a DEMOCRATIC way. [DEMOCRACY]
4. Many of Britain’s NATIONAL industries are returning to private owners. [NATION]

5. A lot of problems in international business are caused by MISSUNDERSTANDING [UNDERSTAND]
6. He was so angry with the DECISION. That he resigned immediately. [DECIDE]
7. Someone who is training for a particular profession or job is called a TRAINEE [TRAIN]
8. Leah had a difficult CHOICE [CHOOSE] to make.
9. Install a proper PROTECTION if you want to have a safe computer system. [ PROTECT]

1. The play has been a … success. [REMARK]
2. Community police have made a very positive CONTRIBUTION to crime prevention. [CONTRIBUTE]
3. We encourage our staff in their DEVELOPMENT of new skills. [DEVELOP]
4. The school drama society will give a PERFORMANCE of Hamlet. [PERFORM]
5. The team set off without any EXPECTATION of success. [EXPECT]

1. He still hopes to win his claim against unfair DISMISSAL [DISMISS]
2. The government announced a further VALUABLE of the currency. [VALUE]
3. The SUCCESSFUL candidates will be given extensive training. [SUCCESS]
4. Vitamin C helps build RESISTANCE to infection. [RESIST]
5. We needed you there to offer words of ENCOURAGEMENT [COURAGE]

4 a nie 'znacjonalizowane'?
5 ss?

1 remark - do slownika marsz!

2 valuable = cenny

reszta ok
4. znacjonalizowane czyli - nationalized ?
5. nie mam pojęcia

1. remark - remarkable?

2. valuation?

dziękuję za pomoc i słownik! faktycznie się przydał:)
5 sprawdz w sslowniku

2 raczej cos odwrotnego

4 1 ok
valuables? understatement?
misunderstanding przez jedno s
DZIĘKUJĘ! nie wiedziałbym
Proszę tylko o sprawdzenie !:) tu nie powinno być błędów

Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous

1. How long HAVE YOU BEEN (you have) this motorbike?
2. John HAS BEEN WAITING (wait) for the bus for half an hour.
3. I met her at school. We HAVE KNOWN (know) each other for 10 years.
4. They HAVE BEEN TRAVELING (travel) by a hired car for two days already and they HAVE DRIVEN (drive) 500 km so far.

5. I haven’t seen (not seen) him for over two years.
6. He have been working (work) for the same firm for 20 years.
7. Mum has been baking (bake) cakes since the morning and she has baked (bake) 70 cakes.
8. I have been doing (do) this crossword for the last hour but I haven’t finished (not finish) half of it yet.

conditional 3

9. Tim didn’t report the theft to the police and it was a mistake. He should have reported (should/report) it.
If he had reported (report) it, the police would have found (find) the thieves.

10. I regret having said that. I shouldn’t have said (should/say) that.
If I hadn’t said (not/say) that, she wouldn’t have been (not/be) angry with me.

Cytat: dejwidmin
Proszę tylko o sprawdzenie !:) tu nie powinno być błędów

Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous

1. How long HAVE YOU BEEN (you have) this motorbike?

Zły czasownik.

Jakieś pytania?
Na pewno w 6 /ćw. pierwsze/ są 2 zdania?
fiu eu nie rouzmiem o co chodzi?
czyli w 6 ma być : have worked? oni pracują dla tej firmy od 20 lat... pracowali i nadal pracują.. czyli czynność która nadal trwa i nie została przerwana. dlatego dałem have been working. źle myśle?

w 1: Have you?
Cytat: dejwidmin
fiu eu nie rouzmiem o co chodzi?
6. He was so angry with the DECISION. That he resigned immediately. [DECIDE] - uważam że tu NIE powinny być 2 zdania.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 11 cze 2014
Cytat: dejwidmin
czyli w 6 ma być : have worked? oni pracują dla tej firmy od 20 lat... pracowali i nadal pracują.. czyli czynność która nadal trwa i nie została przerwana. dlatego dałem have been working. źle myśle?
nie ma ONI w tym zdaniu;)
tak są dwa zdania :) dokładnie jest to samo co napisałeś
Cytat: dejwidmin
tak są dwa zdania :) dokładnie jest to samo co napisałeś
przepraszam. Zle sie wyraziłem w swoim wpisie. Poprawiłem że nie powinno być 2 zdania;)
ok a więc ON;) pracuje.. ale porawna jest forma HAVE BEEN?
nie jest poprawna forma been od czasownika have
czyli tylko 1 jest źle?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.