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Witam, prosiłbym o pomoc w sprawdzeniu poniższego tekstu. Zdaję sobie sprawę, że może tam być sporo błedów, ale proszę o wyrozumiałość, gdyż id dłuższego czasu nie maiłem stycnzości z tym językiem. Z góry dziękuję za wszelką pomoc. Pozdrawiam :)
Serial murders are phenomenon which fascinating many people. However not many people know, who exacly are serial murderers. Purpose of my work was explain phenomenon of serial murders, desctripted reasons of his airise and manner of operation. This phenomenon was analysed by many branches of science and only provide for this multidisciplinary approach we can catch on his entity.Desripted creation psychological profile with poin out specific characteristics of offender and stydy case one of the grimmest american murderer XX centuryTed Bundy, I executed my premises.
Cytat: luki909
Serial murders are phenomenon which fascinating PRZYPOMNIJ SOBIE PRESENT SIMPLE many people. However not many people know,<-USUN PRZECINEK who exacTly are serial murderers. THE Purpose of my work was 'TO' PRZEDBEZOKOLICZNIKIEM explain THE phenomenon of serial murders, desctripted <-NIE MA TAKIEGO SLOWA reasons of his airise<-TAKIEGO TEZ NIE MA I DLACZEGO 'HIS' and manner of operation. This phenomenon was analysed by many branches of science and only this multidisciplinary approach MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO we can catch on his entity NIE ROZUMIEM TEJ KONCOWKI.Desripted creation OF A psychological profile with CO CHCIALES NAPISAC poin out specific characteristics of offender and stydy case one of the grimmest american murdererS JAK SIE TWORZY DOPELNIACZ XX centuryTed Bundy, I executed my premises CO ZROBILES?.

Serial murders are phenomenon which fascinate many people. However not many people know who exacTly are serial murderers. THE Purpose of my work was to explain THE phenomenon of serial murders, described reasons of his arise (JEGO POWSTANIE W SENSIE ZJAWISKA) and manner of operation. This phenomenon was analysed by many branches of science and only this multidisciplinary approach MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO we can catch on his entity (CHCIAŁEM NAPISAĆ ŻE DZIĘKI TEMU MOŻEMY ZROZUMIEĆ ISTOTĘ).Desripted creation OF A psychological profile with (oPISUJĄC TWORZENIE PROFILU PSYCHOLOGICZNEGO) poin out specific characteristics of offender and stydy case one of the grimmest american murdererS XX centuryTed Bundy, I executed my premises (CHODZIŁO MI O ZREALIZOWANIE SWICH ZAŁOŻĘŃ)
Cytat: luki909
Serial murders are A phenomenon which fascinate JESZCZE POPRACUJ, PRZYPOMNIJ REGULKES many people. However not many people know who exacTly are serial murderers. THE Purpose of my work was to explain THE phenomenon of serial murders, described=OPISANY reasons of his arise (JEGO POWSTANIE W SENSIE ZJAWISKA) TAA, A WIESZ, ZE 'HIS' NIE ODNOSI SIE DO PRZEDMIOTOW? NAPISZ: ITS UNDERLYING CAUSES and manner of operation. This phenomenon was analysed by many branches of science and only this W SUMIE KTORE PODEJSCIE, BO WCZESNIEJ O NIM NIC NIE PISZESZ multidisciplinary approach MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO we can catch on his entity (CHCIAŁEM NAPISAĆ ŻE DZIĘKI TEMU MOŻEMY ZROZUMIEĆ ISTOTĘ) ENTITY = ISTOTA, COS, CO ISTNIEJE; ISTOTA ZAGADNIENIA BEDZIE INACZEJ, A 'ZROZUMIEC' WIESZ, JAK JEST. Desripted NIE MA TAKIEGO SLOWA, JUZ PISALEM creation OF A psychological profile with (oPISUJĄC TWORZENIE PROFILU PSYCHOLOGICZNEGO) poin out <-TO JEST ZUPELNIE NIEZROZUMIALE specific characteristics of offender and stydy TO TEZ NIE, SLOWO STUDY TO BEZOKOLICZNIK 'BADAC') case one of the grimmest american murdererS JAK NAPISZESZ 'DWUDZESTEGO WIEKU' XX centuryTed Bundy, I executed my premises (CHODZIŁO MI O ZREALIZOWANIE SWICH ZAŁOŻĘŃ). dAJ NA POCZATEK: OSIAGAM TO DZIEKI OPISANIU....
Dziękuje za wskazówki, porady i pomoc.
Serial murders are a phenomenon which fascinate A LOT OF people. However not many people know who exactly are serial murderers. The Purpose of my work was to explain the phenomenon of serial murders, DESCRIBE ITS UNDERLYING CAUSES and manner of operation. This phenomenon was analysed by many branches of science and only multidisciplinary approach makes it possible to we can try understand it. Describing creation of a psychological profile with point specific characteristics of offender up and analysing case one of the grimmest american murderers the 20th century Ted Bundy, I made the grade my goal.
exactly serial murderers are
approach jest policzalny
po possible uzywa sie bezokolicznika
the creation
skoro nie chcesz poprawic ostatnich dwoch zdan, to nie warto dalej sprawdzac.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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