Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
could you have a look and help to make it out pls?

3:50 ?? name? still instructing
4:02 I've known him for a while?
4:06 I get into...???
4:15 she's f...?? I've seen you
4:18 I was...? into contemporary designer ......?? furniture
that you liked this moon chair????
4:26 ....??my work for a moment
4:51 and it must have been sort of ....???
5:00 - 5:04 ...............???
5:07 she's obviously saying sort of laid??? things
5:10 I'trying to ......????
5:18 ..l...?? suggestion
5:53 who then is going to p....?
6:24-6:27 ????
6:32-6:34 ???
6:50 I got a free s....?? badge
6:55 would you ......?? opportunity to take
7:02 I bumped into someone ......?? I've gone to university with
7:50 you were teaching me how to do c....and stuff
8:00 I've..??
8:05-8:15 I'm going ....??...................
9:02-9:03 ..../??
9:12 obviously it s...??
9:20 because...??

are Nick and Krissy?? still instructing at the dance club
5:10 sort it out whereabouts...
może jeszcze ktoś zerknie?
4:15 it's fate? that I've seen you
5:18 chyba a lot suggestion by another person
mogę Was prosić o pomoc?
4:18 I was with a? contemporary ... we were talking about? furniture
that you like designed this moon chair????
4:51 and it must have been sort of ....??? 18 months two years ago, whatever

5:00 - 5:04 ...............??? you obviously go along with it, don't you? don't want to seem like you're being rude

laid??? things > lead things

5:53 who then is going to p....? > pounce?

6:50 I got a free s....?? badge > smiley

6:55 would you ......?? opportunity to take > which of course I took the ...
9:02-9:03 ..../?? > said that she had dyed her hair and that...

9:12 obviously it s...?? > it ensued that
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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