tutaj mamy apozycje, tutaj nie mozna sie kierowac 'proximity principle do ustalenia jaki ma byc czasownik tutaj na zasadzie 'the last NP determines the person of the verb'
zrob my takie
Consider a linguistic phenomenon, or otherwise known as discontiguous word formation, which involveS ..
If two units are in apposition and have the same reference, grammatical concord
requires a verb to agree with the first appositive even if the second appositive is plural
dlatego powidzialem ze na ustalenie jaki to czasownik ma phenomenon
Gobbledygook, or the circumlocutions of bureaucratic language, is
intentionally difficult to understand.
The circumlocutions of bureaucratic language, or gobbledygook, are
intentionally difficult to understand.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 05 lip 2014