pomoc w prostym zadaniu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Present Simple lub Present Continuous ułożycie żeby było ok ?
1. You understand / this exercise ? ..................................................
2. Mrs James can't answer your call. She / have/ a meeting ...................................................
3. you need / anything from the shops? .........................................
4. Alison/ not know/ the answer to this question. .......................................
5. Mandy / look / at my photos at the moment. ............................................
6. I've had my hair cut. Mum / like / it / now. ............................................
Ty ulozysz
My mozemy sprawdzic
You are understand this exercise ?
Mrs James can't answering your call. She have a meeting
Do you need anything from the shops?
Alison she's not know the answering to this question.
Mandy she's looking at my photos at the moment.
na 6 nie znam odpowiedzi proszę o wskazówki
Jak pierwsze zaczniesz na wzór trzeciego to będą te dwa ok. Pozostałe do kitu. Podpowiem ci tylko że niepotrzebnie dodałeś she's w 4 i 5 ale czasy masz ok.


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