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Hi David

My name is Przemek. I'm 17 years old. I go to the high school in poznań. My mother is Justyna. She is seller. My mom sells flowers. My father is Waldek. He is bookseller. I have got younger sister. My sister is Natalia. She is 12 years old. Natalia is messy, lazy and naive. My hobby is sport, musik, movies and animals. I like play basketball and football. I like watch movies action and comedy. I have got some questions. What is your city like? It is very big? Are there any playing field and cinema? I would to went to any parks, are there any near your house? I've already started packing my stuff. I will be in Southampton on Saturday at 12:00. Who will wake me from the airport?

List leci do oceny, zależy mi żeby nie było tragedii z gramatyką. Z góry dziękuję za wszelkie poprawki.
Hi David (ja dalabym tutaj przecinek)

I go to 'the' (czy w Poznianiu jest tylko jedna jedyna high school, jak nie, to masz zly przedimek) high school in 'poznań' (nazwa wlasna, duza litera).
She is (brak przedimka) seller.
He is (co ty robisz z tymi przedimkami, dlaczego ich nie uzywasz??) bookseller. I have got (przedimek) younger sister.
My 'hobby' (tutaj l. mnoga bo wymieniles wiecej jak jedno hobby) 'is' (dostosuj czasownik do l. mnogiej) sport, 'musik' (ortogaf.), movies and animals. I 'like play' (to jest zle, albo 'I like to play', albo 'I like playing') basketball and football. I 'like watch' (jak wyzej, dostosuj to tak samo) movies action and comedy.
I have 'got' (wg mnie niepotrzebne slowo) some questions.
Are there any playing 'field' (tutaj chyba l. mnoga) and 'cinema' (tez l. mnoga)? I would 'to went' (calkowicie zle, inny czas) to any parks, are there any near your house?
Who will 'wake' (calkowicie zle slowo, tutaj nie wstajesz z lozka rano. Popraw) me from the airport?

Zrob coz z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the) - musisz je sie nauczyc uzywac!
Hi David,

My name is Przemek. I'm 17 years old. I go to a high school in Poznań. My mother is Justyna. She is the seller. My mom sells flowers. My father is Waldek. He is the bookseller. I have got an younger sister. My sister is Natalia. She is 12 years old. Natalia is messy, lazy and naive. My hobbys are sport, music, movies and animals. I like to play basketball and football. I like to watch movies action and comedy. I have some questions. What is your city like? It is very big? Are there any playing fields and cinemas? I would 'to went' to any parks, are there any near your house? I've already started packing my stuff. I will be in Southampton on Saturday at 12:00. Who will meet me from the airport?

Dziękuje. Jak to wygląda teraz? Pogrubione to co poprawiłem, a podkreślone to czego nie rozumiem.
The seller, the bookseller an younger sis- zle przedimki
Hobbys - zle utworz. l. mn.
action movies and comedies
It is - zle utw. pytanie
Take me from - zabierze mnie z
meet me at - spotka/przywita sie ze mna na
Hi David

My name is Przemek. I'm 17 years old. I go to a high school in Poznań. My mother is Justyna. She is a seller. My mom sells flowers. My father is Waldek. He is a bookseller. I have got a younger sister. My sister is Natalia. She is 12 years old. Natalia is messy, lazy and naive. My hobbies are sport, musik, movies and animals. I like to play basketball and football. I like to watch movies action movies and comedies. I have got some questions. What is your city like? There is very big? Are there any playing field and cinema? I would to went to any parks, are there any near your house? I've already started packing my stuff. I will be in Southampton on Saturday at 12:00. Who will take me from the airport?

Jak wygląda teraz całość ?
Hi David (to znaczy, ze uznales, ze moja uwaga o przecinku po imieniu nie jest nic warta?)

My hobbies are sport, 'musik' (tu masz blad ortog.), movies and animals.
I like to watch 'movies action movies' (tego nie rozumiem) and comedies. I have got some questions (ale dla kogo? musisz napisac).
'There is very big? ' (przeciez miales to zdanie dobrze napisane od samego poczatku, dlaczego teraz piszesz je blednie?)
Are there any playing 'field' (napisalam powyzej, ze to ma byc l. mnoga) and 'cinema' (tutaj tez l. mnoga)? I would 'to went' (to masz calkowicie zle, co juz wczesniej zaznaczylam, ale TY dalej robisz swoje, calkowicie lekcewazac moje uwagi? Dla kogo ja to pisze? Tylko po to, zebys po raz 10ty pisal po swojemu?) to any parks, are there any near your house?
Who will 'take' to wg mnie jest zle slowo, tutaj chodzi o polskie slowo 'przywiezie/przyniesie' zrob cos z tym) me from the airport?
Hi David,

My name is Przemek. I'm 17 years old. I go to a high school in Poznań. My mother is Justyna. She is a seller. My mom sells flowers. My father is Waldek. He is a bookseller. I have got a younger sister. My sister is Natalia. She is 12 years old. Natalia is messy, lazy and naive. My hobbies are sport, music, movies and animals. I like to play basketball and football. I like to watch action movies and comedies. I have some questions for you. What is your city like? It is very big? Are there any playing fields and cinemas? I would have went to any parks, are there any near your house? I've already started packing my stuff. I will be in Southampton on Saturday at 12:00. Who will (take/meet) me from the airport?

Przepraszam ale poprzednio wysłałem złą wersję. Teraz już jest poprawiane prawie wszystko. Z tym pogrubionym mam problem.
I would 'have went' (tutaj masz pomieszane czasy, co chcesz napisac to jest...I would love to go to any parks...albo I would like to go) any parks, are there any near your house?
Who will (slowo tutaj moze byc 'bring'-tutaj przywiezie) me from the airport?

Teraz jest 100 % lepiej.
Dziękuje Ci bardzo za pomoc :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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