czasy przeszłe zadanie-proszę o sprawdzenie;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Byłabym wdzięczna za sprawdzenie i ewentualne wyjaśnienie i poprawienie błędów ;)
1.Yesterday afternoon Sharon went to the station to meet Paul.When she got there,Paul had already waited for her. His train arrived early.

2. When I got home,Bill was lying onthe sofa. The television was on but he wasn't watching it. He fell asleep and he was snoring loudly. I turned the television off and just then he had woken up.

3. Last night I went to bed and I was reading a book when suddenly I heard a noise. I got up to see what it was but I didn't see anything, so I went back to bed.

4.Mary had to go to New York last week,but she almost missed the plane.She was standing in the queue when she suddenly realised that she had left her passport at home. Fortunately, she doesn't live very far from the airport, so she had time to take a taxi home to get it. She had got back to the airport just in time for her flight.

5. I met George yesterday as I was walking through the park.He had been in the Sports Centre where he had been playing tennis. He was going to a cafe for a drink and invited me to join him but I was arranged to meet a friend and I didn't have time.
Cytat: escuchame13
1.Yesterday afternoon Sharon went to the station to meet Paul.When she got there,Paul had already waited ZLY CZAS, BO TO ZNACZY, ZE ZROBIL TO WCZESNIEJ, TJ. SKONCZYL CZEKAC, ZANIM ONA PRZYSZLA. 'ALREADY' NIE ZAWSZE WYMAGA CZASU PERFECT for her. His train arrived early. AKURAT TO SIE STALO WCZESNIEJ.

2. When I got home,Bill was lying onthe sofa. The television was on but he wasn't watching it. He fell W TYM MOMENCIE CZY WCZESNIEJ? asleep and he was snoring loudly. I turned the television off and just then he had woken up.JAK TO, WCZESNIEJ SIE OBUDZIL?

3. Last night I went to bed and I was reading a book when suddenly I heard a noise. I got up to see what it was but I didn't see anything, so I went back to bed.

4.Mary had to go to New York last week,but she almost missed the plane.She was standing in the queue when she suddenly realised that she had left her passport at home. Fortunately, she doesn't live very far from the airport, so she had time to take a taxi home to get it. She had got WCZESNIEJ NIZ MOMENT OPISANY W POPRZEDNIM ZDANIU? back to the airport just in time for her flight.

5. I met George yesterday as I was walking through the park.He had been in the Sports Centre where he had been playing tennis. He was going to a cafe for a drink and invited me to join him but I was arranged STRONA CZYNNA, A POZA TYM UMOWILES SIE WTEDY CZY WCZESNIEJ to meet a friend and I didn't have time.


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