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In contemporary times, there has been a large increase in the number of people who enjoy eating in fast food restaurant. While this trend has obvious advantages some drwabacks can be pointed out.
First of all, eating in this type of restaurant is faster than in traditional. Customers don't have to wait for a long time for their dishes because they are serve a few minutes after order. As a result, peple eat quicklier and safe time.
Secondly, dishes in this restaurant are cheaper. People decide to go ther because thay know that they spend there less money. What is more, fast food restaurants often offer small gifts for young customers which cheer on people to visit this places.
On the other hand, dishes from fast foods are often stale. they aren't made from fresh ingredients and food are rehashing. Intake may lead to food poisoning or other problems with digestive system.
Furthermore, food from this restaurant contain planty of carbohydrates and chemical preservatives. Frequently eating this dishes may cause seriously health problems like obesity and diabetes. it is especialy harmful from youngers.
To sum up, taking into consideration all the arguments it is clearly to see that eating in fast food restaurant doesn't have predominant adwantages or disadvantages. We can sometimes go ther but we must remember about that frequently visits may have destructive effects on our health.
In contemporary times, there has been a large increase in the number of people who enjoy eating in fast food 'restaurant' (tutaj chyba l. mnoga, bo jest ich duzo).
First of all, 'eating' (nie tyle samo 'eating' tylko wiecej 'otrzymanie posilku ) in this type of restaurant is faster than in (przedimek) traditional (daj tutaj 'restaurant'). Customers don't have to wait for a long time for their dishes because they are serveD a few minutes after THEIR order. As a result, 'peple' (ortog) eat 'quicklier' (niema takiego slowa, moze napisz, ze szybciej wchodza i wychodza z miejsca, kiedys mowiona 'get them in, get them fed, get them out') and 'safe' (dziwne slowo tutaj, co masz na mysli?) time.
People decide to go 'ther' (ortog) because 'thay' (ortog) know that they WILL spend 'there less money' (zla kolejnosc slow...less money...). What is more, fast food restaurants often offer small gifts for young customers which 'cheer' (zle slowo, moze daj tutaj 'encourage') 'on' (niepotr) people to visit 'this' (nie, 'places' to l. mnoga, to to slowo tez musi byc w l. mn) places.
On the other hand, dishes from fast food (restaurants) are often stale. they 'aren't' (nie, napisz to w calosci) made from fresh ingredients and food 'are' ('food' to l. poj) 'rehashing' (rehaszed). Intake (ale czego? musisz napisac) may lead to food poisoning or other problems with (przedimek) digestive system.
Furthermore, food from this restaurant containS (food -it-3os.l.poj) 'planty' (ortog) of carbohydrates and chemical preservatives. Frequently eating 'this' (pomusl nad tym. L. poj-this, l. mn-these) dishes may cause 'seriously' (zla czesc mowy, tutaj 'serious') health problems like obesity and diabetes. It is especialy harmful 'from' (nie, tutaj TO) 'youngers' (ortog).
To sum up, taking into consideration all the arguments it is 'clearly' (zla czesc mowy, tutaj 'clear') to see that eating in fast food restaurant doesn't have predominant 'adwantages' (ortog) or disadvantages. We can sometimes go 'ther' (ortog) but we must remember 'about' (niepotr) that 'frequently' (zla czesc mowy) visits may have destructive effects on our health.

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