to plan mojej pracy licencjackiej("teachers of English at Polish schools") jak widzicie jakiekolwiek bledy to poprawiajcie blagam, strukture tez mozecie zmieniac, i jakbyscie jakas literature do tego znali to napiszcie. dzieki:))
Table of Contents
1. Statistics about teachers of English
1.1 How many teachers of English are employed?
1.1.1 Different types of schools
1.1.2 Comparison of city and village
1.2 How are they employed?
1.2.1 Full-time employment
1.2.2 Part-time employment
1.3 How popular are native teachers of English today?
2. Teacher’s level of education and the requirements
2.1 Programs of studies- English and Polish system
2.1.1 Number of hours
2.1.2 Types of activities
2.1 education of preservice and inservice teachers
3. New role of teachers in teaching process
3.1 What is the strategy training?
3.1.1How we divide strategies?
3.1.2 How to teach strategies in the classroom?
3.2 What does it mean to be a good teacher today?
3.2.1 According to authors of books Sense of purpose Character and personality Class management The way that teachers talk to students
3.2.2 According to teachers of English in Polish schools Similarities and differences between theory and teachers grhrjrcccccccccccccccccpractice
4. Conclusions