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The story of patients from detoxification department:

Man, Age 20: He was brought on the department by the police, when he intruded public order. He was influenced by alcohol and drugs. He came from prosperous family, but his parents doesn't have time for him. They were very hardworking and they thought, that soon has access to money, so is happy. A young man knew peers, which also came from prosperous family and together found adventures. At the beginning they reached for alcohol and cigarettes, because they was easy to attainment. Afterwards they reached for harder stimulants - drugs and designer drugs. It channeled to loss behavior control.
In hospital when he talked with nurse he said, that he could buy, everything what, he wanted even girls and friends. But he realized to sad deduction, that in 20 age he spent all goal in live.

Man, Age 30: He attend therapy regularly. He was a resourceful man and he found the construction company. The company started prosper very well - he has a lot of intents and contracts. Every success celebrated drinking alcohol. It channeled to addiction. In effects, he stopped care for company. People started leave him, his company doesn't get intents. The company failed and bailiff took possession his house. This way he fall into alcoholism.

Man, Age 50: He has a happy family - wife and two daughters. He started drinking alcohol for relax. Because he was drinking everyday, he fast felled into alcoholism. His wife with daughters left him.
After years, he decided renovate contact with his daughters. Although, they put him a condition - he must stopped drinking alcohol and realized, that he is diseased. He started visit regularly therapy. When he felt, that he has desire drinking alcohol, he came himself to detoxification department. It betook - he defeated addiction.
parents doesn't, they was, He attend,

He attend therapy regularly. He was a resourceful man and he found the construction company. The company started prosper very well - he has a lot of intents and contracts. Every success celebrated drinking alcohol. It channeled to addiction. In effects, he stopped care for company. People started leave him, his company doesn't get intents. The company failed and bailiff took possession his house. This way he fall into alcoholism.
W jakim to języku?;)
The story of patients from (cos brak) detoxification department:

Man, Age 20: He was brought 'on' (zle slowo) the department by the police, when he 'intruded' (calkowicie nie rozumiem tego slowa) public order.
He came from (cos brak) prosperous family, but his 'parents doesn't' (o tym juz bylo wspomniane przez Asric) have time for him. They were very hardworking and they thought, that (brak slowa) soon (kto? co? pies? kot?) has access to money, so (kto? co?) is happy. 'A' (zle slowo) young man knew (cos brak) peers, 'which' (dlaczego uzywasz 'which' kiedy odnosisz sie do ludzxi? Caly swioat uzywa inne slowa, ale ty musisz byc different?) also came from (cos brak) prosperous family and together (kto? co? dlaczego nie piszesz osoby/ rzeczy do ktorych zdania sie odnosza) 'found' (zle slowo) adventures. At the beginning 'they' (to znaczy kto? bo nie jest jasne) reached for alcohol and cigarettes, because 'they was' (od kiedy, no od kiedy jest to poprawne? To sie uczy na samym poczatku, to dlaczego az teraz robisz takie BYKI?) easy to 'attainment' (zle slowo).
'It' (zle slowo) channeled to loss (cos brak) behavior control.
In hospital when he talked with (cos brak) nurse he said, that he could buy, everything 'what' (zle slowo) (po co tu przecinek? co on dodaje?) he wanted even girls and friends. But he realized 'to sad deduction' (nie rozumiem tego) , that 'in' (zle slowo) 20 (cos brak, 2 slowa) age he 'spent' (zle slowo) all (cos brak) 'goal' (zle slowo) in (cos brak) 'live' (zle slowo).

Man, Age 30: He 'attend' (zle slowo) therapy regularly. He was a resourceful man and he 'found' (zle slowo) 'the' (zle slowo) construction company. The company started (cos brak) prosper very well - he has a lot of 'intents' (calkowicie tego nie rozumiem) and contracts. 'Every success celebrated' (zla kol slow i prosze napisz to po angielsku, to znaczy uzywajac ang. gramatyke) drinking alcohol. 'It' (zle slowo) channeled (kogo?) to (cos brak) addiction. In 'effects' (zle slowo), he stopped 'care' (zle slowo) for (cos brak) company. People started (cos brak) leave him, his company 'doesn't' (zle slowo) get 'intents' (gdzie ty to slowo znalazles? co ono ma znaczyc?). The company failed and (cos brak) bailiff took possession (cos brak) his house. This way he 'fall' (zle slowo) into alcoholism.

Man, Age 50: He started drinking alcohol (tu brakuje 3 slowa) 'for' (zle slowo) relax. 'Because' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'because') he was drinking everyday, he fast 'felled' (zle slowo) into alcoholism. His wife with (cos brak) daughters left him.
After years, he decided (cos brak) 'renovate' (zle slowo) contact with his daughters. Although, they 'put' (zle slowo) him a condition - he must 'stopped' (zle slowo) drinking alcohol and (cos brak) realized, that he is diseased. He started 'visit regularly therapy' (zla kol slow). When he felt (po co te przecinki co drugie slowo?), that he has (cos brak) desire (cos brak) drinking alcohol, he came (cos brak) himself to (cos brak) detoxification department. It 'betook' (co to za slowo? nigdy w zyciu czegos takiego nie widzialam) - he defeated (cos brak) addiction.

Prosze nie tlumacz z kiepskim slownikiem/translatorem w rece. Z tego wychodza bzdury. Naucz sie w jaki sposob sklada sie ang. zdania uzywajac ang. gramatyke.