umowa najmu - prosba o przetlumaczenie jednego z punktów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy moge prosić Was o przetłumaczenie jednego punktu z umowy? Czy chodzi tutaj o kare za nieterminowe płacenie czynszu?

"pay interest at the rate of 4% above the Base Lending Rate for the time being of the Owner’s bankers upon any payment or other money due from the Sharer under this Agreement which is more than 14 days in arrear in respect of the period from when it become due down to the date of payment "
"In the event of damage to or destruction of the Property by any of the risks insured against by the Owner the Sharer shall be relieved from making the Payment to the extent that the Sharer’s use and enjoyment of the Property is thereby prevented and from performance of its obligations as to the state and condition of the Property to the extent of and whilst there prevails any such damage or destruction (except to the extent that the insurance is prejudiced by any act or default of the Sharer)"


So long as the reference to a right of early termination in the definition of ‘the PERIOD’ overleaf (the ‘early termination right) has not been deleted then either party may at an time during the period terminate this Agreement by giving to the other prior written notice to that effect, the length of such notice to be that stated in the early termination right, and upon the expiry of said notice this Agreement shall end with no further liability for either party save for any existing breach

Przetłumaczyłam lwią część umowy ale z tymi fragmentami jakoś nie moge sobie do końca poradzić a nie che zgadywać... Z góry wielkie dzięki!
edytowany przez malinowa-krolowa: 07 mar 2015


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia