in ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hej :) Mam do Was pytanie: czy zdanie: "he will ask about things which we are interested in and took liking to" jest poprawne? czy mam powiedzieć tak: "he will ask about things in which we are interested and to which we took liking"... jak to ma wyglądać? moze dwa zdania są poprawne?
z góry dziękuję za odp :)
"he will ask about things which we are interested in and took (brzkuje przedimka 'a') liking to" - tak
"he will ask about things in which we are interested (brakuje IN) and 'to which we took liking (nie - to nie jest gram o jest zle) ' (a dlaczego nie ' and which we like'?)


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