Prosze o sprawdzenie...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
prosze o sprawdzenie tekstu.Jak ktośbyłby chętny to z przyjemnoscią posłucham rad nad czym mam popracować...

New York
This is the biggest city in U.S.A. and the biggest metropoly on the World.There is state New
York and it named also New York City.The New York is very much population.Number of inhabiant is bigger
than 8 mln's.Population is about 1000 peoples on kilometr square.
The New York was assumptated in 1614.Made by Dutchmans on on the island Manhatan and named "factorie sales"
(faktoria handlowa....nie wiem jak to ma brzmiec...).In 1625 assumptated ,,Niuew Amsterdam".
NY be famous for many another races and religions.We can together lerned,worked and life.
The NYC is 5 broughts:
Manhatan, Bronx,Brooklyn,Quenns and Staten Island.Every is another.The City is named ,,The Big Apple"
or "The City which never sleep".

Może mi ktos to sprawdzić...?Plisssss mam mało czasu...


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