First conditional/ Future time clauses

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I've been thinking if you will be/are free when all our exams are over.

Która opcja według was jest prawidłowa?
will be
klucz daje odpowiedź 'are', też mi się wydaje że "will be"
To jest chyba oryginalne zdanie, tak?

OK, but_____(not phone) until I____(get) there.
I might be late. I've been thinking, if you____ (be) free when all our exams___ (be) over in June, why don't we go away for a few days?

Miales to i chciales dac 'will, dlaczego? Wytlumacz bo jestem ciekawy jakie to 'will', volitional/insistent?

p.s. and remember, Zielonosivy is an atheist, I don't know if you can always trust him:)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 05 maj 2015
w tym zdaniu, które paulo podał nie ma przecinka i nie ma zdania warunkowego, wiec moze byc 'will'
Cytat: savagerhino
p.s. and remember, Zielonosivy is an atheist, I don't know if you can always trust him:)

as if god-fearing people never cheated : )
a powinien byc bo inaczej to jest potoczna mowa a nie zadanie, nie ma warunkowego ale jet czasowe
edytowany przez savagerhino: 05 maj 2015
Cytat: zielonosiwy
Cytat: savagerhino
p.s. and remember, Zielonosivy is an atheist, I don't know if you can always trust him:)

as if god-fearing people never cheated : )

Fair enough, you made your point
and I'd throw in this as a realistic pessimist who can never be disappointed.
Love is produced by a random nondescript confluence of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. Who would like to rely on the transient nature on chemicals that long?
edytowany przez savagerhino: 05 maj 2015
Cytat: savagerhino
Love is produced by a random nondescript confluence of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain

still sounds less dubious than "cupid's strike" or "a sublime feeling sent to you by god through the holy spirit"
>.still sounds less dubious than
Yes it does. That's because I'm agnostic, I'm like Switzerland, only my account balance is not.
Its a safe position in which you won't be accused of dogmatism until this question is asked: how can an agnostic not be an atheist at the same time?
Because an atheist is a hardliner in that sense, he believes there's no God there, period.
An agnostic can't say that for sure.
I don't know how about others but I just don't believe in the existence of god, period. This is atheism to me. But at the same time I don't know if god exists or not and in this sense I am agnostic. Now waiting for some big shot to spot any logical fallacy in my reasoning :-)
>I just don't believe in the existence of god, period.
>I don't know if god exists or not

I'd say you're just talking out of both sides of your mouth. It' as simple as that.
yeah, so it can be compatible
yeah, compatible my ass :)
I hope we won't find out about that the hard way, say, being diagnosed with a nasty inoperable, chemotherapy-resistant brain tumor.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.