strona bierna

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Witam potrzebuje pomocy w znalezieniu strony biernej w tekscie, i jesli jest taka mozliwosc to przetlumaczenie go
wklej tekst i podkresl strone bierna.
Nowadays, a large number of people suffer from hunger though the global overproduction of food. Many aid organizations and politicians have been trying to find the best solution to solve the problem of starvation. It is widely known, that millions of people are poor and as a result, they are not able to buy a sufficient amount of food for them and their families.
Genetic engineering, is a solution which can help with lack of food on the world. This term can be described as a field of science which can assist to solve many problems concern our civilization. Genetic engineering clones animals and as a result theirs organs can be useful for people who need a transplantation as well as it is also connect with food production. It is worth to mention that modified crops are very tasty, grow faster and are bigger than normal crops. However, this notion of genetically modified food has many advantages and disadvantages.
Some scientist believe that genetic engineering is the best solution to cope with famine because then food will be cheaper as well as it will be more food on our planet. It is also very important to say that genetically modified food in some cases contains more vitamins, proteins and minerals that the normal ones. For example, a gene which is responsible for softening the skin can be replaced and thanks to it tomatoes are more resistant on storage and transportation which is very useful for producers. Additionally, genetically changed animals produce milk which contain more calcium than the normal ones what is more, altered modified pigs meat is more tender than pigs which are grown in normal circumstances. Moreover, a modified meat can contain more digestible protein and gens which can reduce the amount of cholesterol.
Another important issue is connected with crop plants which are resistant to pests and as a result it will contribute to the conservation. To sum up, the previously mentioned arguments inform that the modified organisms contains ingredients which improve taste as well as they are not as susceptible to pest. Furthermore, it is very important to care about our planet because nowadays Earth is prone to many negative circumstances.

On the other hand, genetic engineering has some disadvantages. Not everyone know that we eat a lot of genetically modified ingredients which occur in our nourishment. Moreover, consumers are not always inform accurately about the all components which are in grocery products. It is not a common knowledge for everyone that genetic modifications change ingredients which occur in crops or animals. Furthermore, in some cases modified food can have less nutritional value and therefore it is not a good solution to produce only plants which are produce in artificial way. It is important to say that genetically modified food look very tasty for a long time and therefore it is difficult to recognize if fruits or vegetables are fresh. Therefore, customers should be very cautious when they buy food products especially in supermarkets.
Consuming modified food can be dangerous for health because of the gen manipulation. Furthermore, it can has an unexpected consequences on our bodies, because not all products are properly tasted which can have a bad influence on people. For example, it can cause allergic reaction or cancer. As a result people can suffer on diversified dysfunctions which can accompanied them for all their lifetime. What is more, the uncontrolled spread of transgenic plants and crossing of some varieties can lead to consequences such as mutations or even disrupt the balance in the environment. Thus, genetic engineering can produce new plants or even new species of animals which can also spread new diseases. Nature is beautiful and self-sufficient and all interferences can have an adverse effects.
Taking all those things into consideration, genetic engineering of food is not the best solution to resolve the problem of starvation. Due to the fact that people suffer from hunger because they do not have money to buy nourishment, not for the reason that there is a lack of food on the Earth. It is important to notice that the genetic modified food is cheaper but it can contains unhealthy ingredients which are unforeseen and can damage our bodies.
nie podkreslilas strony biernej
powinna poprawic moze bledy najpierw w tym tekscie
Moge prosic o pomoc w poprawie bledow , bo fakt mi wcale to nie idzie
Mozesz uzyskac pomoc, ale jak dasz cos od siebie. My tu nie odrabiamy prac domowych
nie wiedzialam jakie sa zasady
Nowadays, a large number of people suffer from hunger though=CHOCIAŻ the global overproduction of food. Many aid organizations and politicians have been trying to find the best solution to solve the problem of starvation. It is widely known, NIE STAWIA SIE PRZECINKA PRZED THAT that millions of people are poor and as a result, they are not able to buy a sufficient amount of food for them and their families.
Genetic engineering, is a solution which can help with lack of food IN the world. This term can be described as a field of science which can assist to solve ASSIST IN DOING STH many problems concern=DOTYCZĄ our civilization. Genetic engineering clones animals and as a result theirs
ucielo, zreszta dobrze.
skoro prosisz o przetlumaczenie, to nie jest twoj tekst. Dalem sie nabrac, dobrze, ze jak zwykle ucielo tekst z poprawkami
nie proszze o poprawe bledow jedynie
prosilas o przetlumaczenie. To znaczy, że to nie Twoj tekst.
dobrze nie mam zamiaru perzekonywac,ale dziekuje za chec pomocy
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.