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1.General results of this study show vocabulary enrichment in each month of life. What is very surprising is that the myth concerning the influence of gender on the speech development was overthrown. As more of studies agree, girls start talking earlier, and thus initially they have a richer vocabulary (Fenson et al., 2007). Those differences usually are expected especially in younger children. Research which was conducted by Haman, Fronczyk and Miękisz proved to be insensitive to any influences of gender on the speech development. The only significant difference in the sex that occurred was making mistakes in older children. Boys made significantly more semantic mistakes than girls. The author of this paper decided to present information tables showing amount of words divided into categories of parts of speech used by children at different ages.

2.Two above presented tables illustrate that there is no influence of gender on vocabulary enrichment. Both girls and boys their progressively gather more and more vocabulary in each quarter of year of life. A period from second year of life to six year of life is a period when speaking abilities are improved every day.

Z góry dziękuje.
1.PRZEDIMEK General results of this study show vocabulary enrichment in each month of life. What is very surprising is that the myth concerning the influence of gender on the speech development was PRESENT PERFECT overthrown LEPIE:DISPROVED. As more of studies agree, girls start talking earlier, and thus initially they have a richer vocabulary (Fenson et al., 2007). Those differences usually are expected especially in younger children. Research which was conducted by Haman, Fronczyk and Miękisz proved to be insensitive to any influences of gender on the W INNYM MIEJSCU TEZ TO USUN speech development. The only significant difference in the sex MIĘDZY PLCIAMI that occurred was makingTHE RATE OF mistakes in older children. Boys made significantly more semantic mistakes than girls. The author of this paper decided to present information tables showing amount THE NUMBER of words TEN FRAGMENT DALBYM NA KONIEC ZDANIA->divided into categories of parts of speech used by children at different ages.

2.THE Two above presented tables ABOVE illustrate SHOW that there is no influence of gender on vocabulary enrichment. Both girls and boys their<-CO? progressively gather more and more vocabulary in each quarter of year of life. A THE period from THE second year of life to six year SZEŚĆ ROK? of life is a period when speaking abilities are improved every day.
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