Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawę wypracowania.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
First for all modern technology facilitate acces to information. Thanks to, we can chceck information faster. For example we can check information about world ewents, for educational purposes.
Moreover modern technology promote communication. Thanks to, we can maintain contact witch oquaintance who live at opposite ends of the country by social networking sites. Furthermore we can update on friends or share a picture and etc.
Next positive sites modern technology is offer new workplaces. Thanks to, we can work at home. As a result we can saves on time and money for commucation.
On the other hand using modern technology is cause health problems. People who spending to much time in virtual reality lelead to addictions adl lack of exercise lead to obesity.
Moreover internet users more and more often become victims of cybercrime. Cryminal breal into to somoebodys computer and still personal data. Thanks to, they are gain acces to your account and they take the loan on the bank.
Next disadvantage modern technology i deskill factory wjich caused dismissal employees and replace they machines. But on the other hand deskill lead to increaze the profits the company.
Next downside modern technology is easier acces to the sites with inappropirate contens. For example juveniles internet users can browse pronographic siter sor hate sites, in the other words sites witch propagate racism
Technology can be harmfull to enviromment. Most pover stations used fassil fuel to generation of electricy. produc burning coal is CO2 which caused global warming

Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawę błędów ;)
First for all modern technology 'facilitate' (tutaj ma byc czasownik 3os.l.poj) 'acces' (blad ortog.) to information. Thanks to (ale czego? trzeba napisac), we can 'chceck' (ortog) information faster. For example we can check information about world ewents' (ortog), for educational purposes.
Moreover modern technology 'promote' (3os.l.poj) communication. Thanks to (ale czego? Kto tak nauczyl Cie pisac?), we can maintain contact 'witch' (ortog) (brak przedimka) 'oquaintance' (ortog) who 'live' (3os.l.poj) at (przedimek) opposite 'ends' (l. poj) of the country by social networking sites. Furthermore we can update (ale co?) on friends or share a picture and 'etc' (no, no, jak mozemy update etc? wytlumacz mi).
Next positive 'sites' (zle slowo) (brak czasownika) modern technology 'is' (niepotr) 'offer' (3os.l.poj) new workplaces. Thanks to (3ci raz, to samo, ale i tak zle), we can work at home. As a result we can 'saves' (to ma byc l. mn) on time and money 'for (zle slowo) 'commucation' (ortog).
On the other hand using modern technology 'is' (niepotr slowo) (daj tutaj modala) cause health problems. People who 'spending' (zla czesc mowy) 'to' (zle slowo) much time in virtual reality 'lelead' (popraw) to addictions 'adl' (popraw) lack of exercise (daj tu modala) lead to obesity.
'Cryminal' (ortog) 'breal' (ortog) into to 'somoebodys' (ortog) computer and 'still' (zle slowo) personal data. Thanks to (tutaj trzeba cos dac), they 'are' (niepotr) gain 'acces' (ortog) to your account and they (daj tu modala) take 'the' (zly przedimek) loan 'on' (zle slowo, nie mozemy na banku brac loan) the bank.
Next disadvantage (brak slowa) modern technology 'i' (popraw) 'deskill' (popraw - nie wiem co to) factory 'wjich' (ortog) 'caused' (daj 'causes') dismissal (cos brak) employees and THEY ARE replaceD 'they' ( zlym miejscu) (brak slowa) machines. But on the other hand 'deskill' (nie rozumiem tego slowa) lead' (3os.l.poj) to 'increaze' (ortog) the profits (brak slowa) the company.
Next downside (brak slowa) modern technology is easier 'acces' (ortog) to the sites with 'inappropirate' (ortog) 'contens' (ortog). For example juveniles internet users can browse 'pronographic' (tak samo jak to jst 'pron'?) 'siter' (ortog) 'sor' (popraw) hate sites, in 'the' (niepotr) other words sites 'witch' (gdzie ty ja znalazles?) propagate racism
Most 'pover' (ortog) stations 'used' (daj czas teraz.) 'fassil' (ortog) fuel to 'generation' (zle slowo, tu 'generate') 'of' (niepotr) 'electricy' (ortog) AND 'produc' (ortog) burning coal WHICH is CO2 which causeS global warming

Musisz to pomalu poprawic i wkleic jeszcze raz.
no to co napisać zamiast thanks to ?
napisales 'dzięki', a musisz napisać 'dzięki temu'
First for all modern technology facilitates access to information. Thanks to computer, smartphone we can check information faster adm more comfortable. For example we can check information about world events , for educational purposes.
Moreover modern technology promotes communication. Thanks to social networking sites we can maintain contact with an aquaintance who lives at an opposite end of the country. Furthermore we can update informaction on friends or share a picture.
Next positive site modern technology arrises new workplaces. Thanks to internet, we can work at home. As a result we can save on time and money commutation.
On the other hand using modern technology may cause health problems. People who spend too much time in virtual reality lead to addictions and lack of exercise might lead to obesity.
Moreover internet users more and more often become victims of cybercrime. Criminal break into to somebody computer and still(nie wiem jakie inne słówko tu dać) personal data. Thanks to personal data, they gain access to your account and they can take a loan in the bank.
Next disadvantage modern technology is deskill(zaumatyzować) factory which causes dismissal employees and they are replaced machines. But on the other hand deskill leads to increase the profits of the company.
Next downside modern technology is easier access to the sites with inappropriate contents. For example juveniles internet users can browse porn sites or hate sites, in other words sites with propagate racism.
Technology can be harmfull to enviromment. Most power stations use fossil fuel to generate electricy and product burning coal which is CO2 which causes global warming .
edytowany przez magda009gp: 02 wrz 2015
Thanks to __ computer, __ smartphone, we can check information faster.

Brakuje sporo przecinków przed wyrażeniami na początku zdań, np. for example, moreover itd. Są inne błędy.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie