CV - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dzień Dobry,

Znajomy poprosił mnie o przetłumaczenie CV i mimo, że ten angielski znam całkiem dobrze jeśli chodzi o komunikację, muszę poprosić o waszą pomoc tam gdzie widzicie błędy. Z góry bardzo dziękuję za wszelką pomoc.

Secondary Technical School of Farming Mechanisation in XXX

Bachelor of Science in Logistics in Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Ekonomiczna in XXX.

Military service completed

Work experience
III.2007 – up to the present – German company in Gdańsk occupied with selling and renting construction equipment – head of sales department

2006 – 2007 – working in Belgium – contract agreement – movement maintance mechanic in cardboard packaging factory.

2[tel]'mistrz produkcyjny' in production department of elements for construction of semitrailers and car trailers

Achivements: (??) / Uprawnienia
driving licence (category A, B, C and T)

proficient computing skills (MS Office, specialised business programme – Symfonia)
effective team managment
effective collaboration with teamworkers
very good work organisation
good interpersonal skills
Hi, Ania from Texas here :) If your friend's primary objective is to apply for a job, he needs to list his work experience FIRST.

instead of "up the the present" you can say "current"
instead of saying "German company in Gdańsk occupied with selling and renting construction equipment" just give the name of the company and then your role. But if you insist on keeping that phrase in, do not use the word "occupied with" because it does NOT translate into "firma zajmujaca sie"....just say "German company specializing in construction equipment sales and rental"...

that's the only thing that jumps out at me at this moment :)

oh and when you give a date, like 2007-current...right after the date list your POSITION, not the employer's details...this way your prospective employer will get more info about YOU first. So the words "head of sales department" should immediately follow the date of employment.

Your resume should have a visual consistecy.

i hope this helps a little.

Ania ( from Texas )
edytowany przez Ania-J.2015: 15 sie 2015
Po myślniku (-) present (bez up to, to lub the) może być.


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