Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisz list do szkoły językowej w Wielkie Brytanii do której zamierzasz uczęszczać w lecie :
- zapytaj o terminy i rodzaje kursów oraz ich ceny
-zapytaj o warunki pobytu uzasadniając swoje preferencje
-opisz swoją znajomość języka angielskiego i napisz co sprawia Ci największą trudność
- Poproś o zasugerowanie odpowiedniego kursu i szybką odpowiedź

I am writing to ask for more information about your school where I am going to attend this summer. My name is XYZ. I am polish student. I would be grateful if you could give me some more details.
Firstly could you tell me what kind of courses do you offer and what are the cost of each? I will stay in London 3 months so I would like to know how long the particular course last?
Secondly you didn't write about your requirement. You only mention that students who attend to your school have to share their rooms. I used to live with my younger brother so it doesn't problem for me. I surely accept this situation.
I am quite good in English but I learn very quickly. I can communicate in this language without any problems but I should improve my writing skills. Could you suggest me the adequate kind of course for me ?
Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to your reply.
I am writing to +you to requst+ more information about your school, WHICH I am +planning+ to attend this summer. My name is XYZ +, I live in Poland, and I am a student+. I would be grateful if you could give me some +additional+ details.
Firstly*,* could you tell me what kindS of courses do you offer and what IS the cost of each OF THEM?

/Ja bym jednak wolł uniknąć takiego pytania, charakterystycznego dla f. mówionej i dał tu:
First, I wish you could tell me more about the kinds of courses available and the cost of each of them./

I will BE STAYING in London FOR 3 months, so I would like to know how long +the courses last, as well.+

Also, because my stay in London will be limited to a three-month period, I would like to ask about the duration of each course./

Secondly*,* you didn't write about your requirementS. You only mention that students who attend to your school have to share their rooms.

/To powyższe brzmi dość nieuprzejmie. Może:
Secondly, I have noticed little information about your requirements, except that students would be ready to share rooms. Is that indeed the only requirement for students?/

+As far as the accomodation issue is concerned,+ (Co się tyczy kwestii zakwaterowania) I used to live with my younger brother so it IS NOT A problem for me. I +can+surely accept this (situation).

+My English is quite good+ AND I learn very quickly. I can communicate in this language without any problems but I should improve my writing skills. +I hope you can suggest the right course that could help achieve that.+

Thank you in advance for your assistance. +I am looking+ forward to your reply.


Pomoc językowa