Czy ktoś mógłby mi pomóc sprawdzic błędy ?

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35 b. 36 a. 37 a. 38 c. 39 c. 40 c. 41 d. 42 b. 43 b 44. a 45. d 46 b
Ja nie jestem w stanie tego otworzyć;)
Cytat: Aaric
Ja nie jestem w stanie tego otworzyć;)

może tu
Ja tam widzę tylko jedną odpowiedź, źle;)
Cytat: Aaric
Ja tam widzę tylko jedną odpowiedź, źle;)

:(:(:(:( :( błagam o pomoc jak to rozwiązać chociaż kilka
Ale my nie odrabiamy zadań. Teraz nabieram wątpliwości czy sama rozwiązałaś poprzednie ćwiczenie;)
Cytat: Aaric
Ale my nie odrabiamy zadań. Teraz nabieram wątpliwości czy sama rozwiązałaś poprzednie ćwiczenie;)

skoro jest źle rozwiązane to logiczne ze mogłam to zrobić tylko ja. poprostu jestem słaba w czasach i nie potrafie tego za grosz rozwiązać poprawnie.
poprzednie cwiczenie było z dopasowanie słow - przetłumaczyłam i dało jakoś rade a tu...
edytowany przez magdaeksl: 06 wrz 2015
35 użyj past simple
W 37 jest coś źle. "The three brothers set out, and after a very long WHEN they came to a large river."
a very long ... ? wg mnie tu powinno byc WHILE. a very long while..

My czekamy aż Magda się wysili:)
Ja chcialabym widziec cale zadanie tutaj na forum. Nie otwieram nieznanych mi stron, bo tam moga byc wirusy i tyle.
Tak mój text recognition odczytuje. Nie gwarantuję jakości;)
Read the texts below, For (35-46 choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D)
An old man had three children, all boys. When they (35) to manhood he called them together and told them that now he was very old and (36) to provide, even for himself. He ordered them to go out and bring him food and clothing. The three brothers set out, and after a very long (37) ....... they came to a large river. As they (38) ....... on together for such a time, they decided that once they got across they (39) ........ The eldest told the youngest to take the middle road and the second to go to the right, while he himself would go to the left. Then, in the year's time, they would come back to the same spot. (40) ....... they parted and at the end of a year as agreed, they found their way back to the riverside. The eldest asked the youngest what he had gotten during his travels, and the boy replied: I have nothing but a mirror, but it has wonderful power. If you (41) ....... into it, you can see all over the country, no matter how far away.' When asked in turn what he had gotten, the second brother replied: 'Only a pair of sandals that are so full of power, that if one (42) ....... them on one can walk at once to any place in the country in one step.' Then the eldest himself, said: I too, (43) ....... but little, a small calabash of medicine, that is all. But let us look into the mirror and see how father fares.' The youngest produced his mirror, and they all looked into it and saw that their father was already dead and that even the funeral custom (44) ........ Then the elder said: 'Let us hasten home and see what we can do.' So the second brought out his sandals, and all three placed their feet inside them and, immediately, they were home to their (45) ....... grave. Then the eldest took the medicine out of his bag, and poured it over the grave. At once their father (46) ....... , as if nothing had been the matter with him. Now which of these three sons has performed the best?
35 A grew up B grow up C had grown up D were growing up
36 A no longer B not longer C any longer D no long
37 A when B if C as D while
38 A went B had gone C were going D would go
39 A will separate B would be separated C were separated D would separate
40 A So B As C When D if
41 A will look B would look C are looking D look
42 A puts B put C had put D was putting
43 A had obtained B was obtaining C have obtained D had been obtaining
44 A was finished B finished C had been finished D has been finished
45 A fathers B father's C fathers' D father
46 A rose B raised C arose D risen
Tak, na bardzo szybko. Lepiej by bylo, gdybys dal swoja odpowiedz od razu napisana w zdaniu moze napisana w 'bold' albo 'w nawiasie' zebysmy mogli to plynnie przeczytac, a nie zebysmy musieli skakac po calej stronie ekranu, czytajac to samo 10 razy.
35 b. ZLE
36 a. OK
37 a. ZLE
38 c. ZLE
39 c. ZLE
40 c. ZLE
41 d. OK
42 b. ZLE
43 b ZLE
44. a ZLE
45. d ZLE
46 b ZLE
As they (38) ....... on together for such a time, they decided that ..

czemu mowisz, ze "were going" jest źle? Odbywala sie jakaś czynność ciągła przerwana przez jakieś zdarzenie, więc powinno być raczej past continuous .
bo jest okolicznik czasu z 'for'
for such a long time - skojarz z 'for two weeks' itp.
To jak należałoby zmienić zdanie, zeby móc użyć PC?
One day, as they were going on together, they decided that..
tak, z tym, że wtedy 'as' = 'gdy'
W w tamtym przypadku co znaczy 'as' jesli nie 'gdy'?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.