
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prośba o rozwiązanie zadania z angielskiego: nie mogę sobie z nim poradzić

II. Complete the sentense below by writing the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1)............ Janin and Vince ............... the National Gallery? (not already visit)
2)Marjorie............... at United Printers for more than 30 years. (work)
3)Are you hungry? .......... you ............ breakfast yet? (have)
4)That's a fabulous skirt! Where............... you ............ it? (buy)
5)Tim doesn't want to see Silence of the Lambs because he ........... it twice. (already see)
6)The score was 0-0 until Mantalla ............... the winning goal in the 82 nd minute. (score)
7)My parents would love to visit La Paz. They ............. outside their village. (never been)
8)Lawrence ................ head of the marketing department since last October.
9)Agatha Christie ........... more than 35 books during her life. (write)
10)Philip and his friend, David, ................ as salesmen from 1958 to 1964.
no to napisz do tej, ktora odrobila za Ciebie poprzednie zadanie.

po pierwsze: napisz obok każdego zdania, jakiego czasu trzeba w nim uzyc.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia