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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej czy moze ktos pomoc mi przetlumaczyc to zdanie zeby bylo dobrze gramatycznie.

"Odkąd Cie poznałem, nie było dnia, godziny ani nawet sekundy zebym nie myslal o Tobie. Myśle o Tobie kazdy dzien."

Moze byc np tak ? :
Since I met you there was no day, no hour, even no second I didn't think about you. I've been thinking about you every day.
Since we met, not a day, an hour, not even a minute has gone by that I don't think of you. I am thinking about you all the time.
można też inaczej ująć, może poczekaj na odpowiedzi innych;)
edytowany przez Aaric: 01 paź 2015
Since we met ,there has been not a second/ a little while I wouldn't dream about you ...
Cytat: Robbertoxx
Since we met ,there has been not a second/ a little while I wouldn't dream about you ...

to jest zle.
Since we met, there HAS NOT BEEN a second THAT I DID NOT dream about you....
Thank you Terri ..I thought It was the right one, ..I just must have had mixed up something or my mind were drifting elsewhere..such things happens,nevermind :)
Thank you Terri ..I thought It was the right one, ..I just must have had mixed up something or my mind were drifting elsewhere..such things happens,nevermind :)
such things HAPPEN, of course.
Cytat: Robbertoxx
Thank you Terri ..I thought It was the right one, ..I just must have had mixed up something or my mind werewas drifting elsewhere..such things happens,nevermind :)
This damn site does not sometimes work in the right way , I 'd just added the only one line ..I quit it and I have seen it doubled, what 's that all about? I think that something still needs to be overhauled to ensure the reliability ;)
Zielonosiwy @ , I think that the both ones would be good ,but depending the context given. I just meant the period before I got my action going. Before
so called the moment of " then" ...I mixed up something before I had an opportunity to re- phrase myself or whatever, because it was too late to think back and correct, you know, However, I won't be falling out over that - Surely,I can see the plenty of people that write better than I do ,but I can see a lot of 'translator rubbish' as well . It is a way to nowhere , I have never used it throughout my entire life and I have never been backed by such a tools ..imo, it is of no perspective if someone uses it .
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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