Poprawa błędów w pracy na angielski.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłbym o poprawę błędów w mojej pracy. Studiuję zaocznie i nie mam aż tyle czasu aby udać się na korepetycje i indywidualnie nad tym popracować. Wasza pomoc bardzo mi się przyda.

My name is Robert. I com from Bieruń. I'm 24 years old. I was born in Tychy. I live with my parents in Bieruń. I have brothers and sisters. Two brothers and a sister. I also have animal, a cat named Leon. I have a girlfriend, her name is Karolina. We've been together for three years, we love each other and we are very happy. We spend a lot of time between us. My biggest passion is football. Already from childhood was running with the ball. I went to football matches or I watched them a lot on TV. My favorite team it is a Spanish club Real Madrid. I have many other interests. I love to watch movies and TV series, i go very often to the cinema. Besides, I love reading. Almost always I have a book with me - just in case. I listen a lot of music, but it's like with everyone, I guess. Most of all like rockand something like that. My favorite band is Kings of Leon, listen to it a lot. Recently I have also learned to snowboard. I loved it, and propably buy their own equipment. A lot of timeat the computer, playing my favorite game, of course football, ,,Football Manager''. Absorbs me, it is very time consuming and sometimes, it's not that good. I also love spending time with my friends, we got to the clubs, we talk a lot, they laugh, they are great.
Currently I'm working at XYZ, she deals with quality control. I'm work in it as a senior quality inspector. Work is not tiring, I work with good people and a good atmosphere.
Why Politehnic University?
I chose this school beacuse after graduating from College to get a engineer degree. Thanks to him I have a chance to find a well - paid job. I care beacuse I want a good life for hhis future family.
Why is the direction of logistics?
The choice wen nt random, and that's beacause I graduated high school with the title equipment logistics.I want to continue studying in this area. The study is very hard, but I hope that the work, which will invest learn will alow me to finisch school.

Przepraszam za wszystkie błędy, te gramatyczne i literówki, ale bardzo się śpieszyłem a by zdążyć do pracy.
Z góry bardzo dziękuję!
Proszę o wyrozumiałość. Z angielskiego nie jestem dobry, a bardzo zależy mi na zaliczeniu tego w weekend.
Może pomagał sobie trochę translatorem ale w większości wyglada na samodzielną pracę. Translatory na ogół nie robią literówek;)
edytowany przez Aaric: 03 gru 2015
I 'com' (dokoncz slowo) from Bieruń.
Two brothers and 'a' (tutaj zamiast tego 'a' mozesz dac slowo 'one') sister. I also have (brak przedimka) 'animal' (na takie domowe zwierzeta, mowimy 'pets', tutaj I also have a ter), a cat named Leon.
We spend a lot of time 'between us' (nie, to jest zle, tutaj 'topgether' - znaczy 'razem').
Already from childhood (ale kto? musisz napisac) was running with the ball.
My favorite team 'it' (niepotrzebne slowo) is a Spanish club Real Madrid.
I love to watch movies and TV series, 'i' (to slowo zawsze piszemy duza litera. ZAWSZE) go very often to the cinema.
I listen a lot of music, but it's like THAT with everyone, I guess. Most of all (ale kto? musisz napisac) like rock and 'something like that' (something like that to moze byc 'opera' tutaj napisz...and similar styles of music). My favorite band is Kings of Leon, (ale kto to robi? musisz napisac) listen to it a lot.
I loved it, and 'propably' (blad ortog) (ale kto? musisz napisac) buy 'their own' (nie, to jest zle, ale nie wiem co chcesz przekazac tutaj) equipment. (ale kto to robi? musisz napisac, w ang. musimy pisac KTO i co robi-czasownik) a lot of time at the computer, playing my favorite game, of course football, 'Football Manager'. (ale co? musisz napisac, ze to IT) absorbs me, it is very time consuming and sometimes, it's not that good.
Currently I'm working at XYZ, 'she' ( o jaka kobiete tutaj chodzi, nic wczesniej o niej nie pisales?, tutaj, jako ze to jest praca to mowimy THEY) 'deals' (zmien to na 'deal') with quality control. 'I'm' (to jest zle. Tutaj napisales 'I am work' - widzisz, ze jest zle, ma byc samo 'I') work 'in it' (niepotrzebne slowa) as a senior quality inspector.
Why 'Politehnic' (blad ortog) University?
I chose this school 'beacuse' (to slowo tak nie piszemy, prosze zapamietaj BECAUSE, ale nawet widze, ze ono nie jest potrzebne) after graduating from College to get aN EngineerING degree. 'Thanks to him' (nie, nie, o jakie 'him' tutaj chodzi? Myslisz za bardzo po polsku - napisz....Due to that) I have a chance to find a well - paid job. I care 'beacuse' (popraw, bo mnie wkurza jak ludzie to pisza blednie) I want a good life for 'his' (jego? o kim mowa, chyba myslisz o sobie, o twojej rodzinie, to napisz MY) future family.

The choice 'wen nt' (wystarczy WAS) random, and that's 'beacause' (juz 3ci raz blednie napisales to slowo...kochanie, bo sie wsciekne...) I graduated high school with the 'title equipment logistics' (cos tu nie tak, ale nie rozumiem o co chodzi).
The 'study' (nie,napisz tutaj STUDIES) 'is' ARE very hard, but I hope that the work, which will BE AN investMENT 'learn' (nie, tutaj musisz inaczej...and this) will 'alow' (ortog) me to 'finisch' (ortog) school.

popraw, to co zaznaczylam, gdzie nie rozumiem zdan, to napisz jeszcze raz, i nigdy a nigdy nie rob bledow z tym BECAUSE.


Pomoc językowa

