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More and more people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle is a way of life, which can give us optimal conditions to relieve our lifes. The impact of our health are primaly:

-sleep duration
-physical activity
- drug abuse

The most important factor of healthy lifestyle is obviously diet. Diet which provide to us not only nutrient (for instance: protein, fats, carbohydrates) but also roughage, vitamin and mineral salts. If you want give the best conditions to abosorb this elements by your body, you need also take care of regular eating. You should eat five meals per day in similar periods of time.

Second important element of healthy lifestyle is right amount of sleep. When we are sleeping our body and brain are regenerating. A lot's of researchers believe, that person who sleeps more than eight hour per day is healthier than people who spleep less. Important is also quality of your sleep. Your sleeping room should has fresh air and optimal temperature.

Third also important factor is excercise. Your body need to move. Regular walking,cycling it can be also going to the gym or any kind of physical activity, give you a better health. When we are working our blood flows faster. Thanks to it our tissues are better provided with blood and oxygen. In addiction, they emit endorphins ( happinese hormons).

The last no less important than the other factor is use of drugs. The use of stimulants have bad influence of your body . From alcohols the positive influence of your organism have only red wine.

In conclusion, more and more people are aware of how important is healthy lifestyle. We have only one life, so let's relieve this time in the best way we can.
to live our lives,
" impact " jakos zle mi sie kojarzy , dalbym 'influence"
are mainly ..
provide bez " to"
wiekszość zdań ma b.dziwny szyk.
jak dziwny?
Wszystko ma dziwny szyk (czytaj: polski) bo translator przełożył to żywcem z polskiego a autor tematu ledwo wygładził po swojemu. Brakuje też rodzajników w wielu miejscach.
edytowany przez argazedon: 09 sty 2016
podaj przykład a nie ogólnikowo mówisz
third also important factor is excerscise
brak przedimka, blad ortogr. w ostatnim slowie, ktore powinno zreszta byc podmiotem.
Cytat: argazedon
Wszystko ma dziwny szyk (czytaj: polski) bo translator przełożył to żywcem z polskiego

Zgadzam sie i dlatego nie maczam swoich palcow w tym.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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