Krótkie wypracowanie -sprawdzenie

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I had a very bad day while I was visiting the Hvar Island in Croatia, last summer
with my friends.
One afternoon, I decided to go on a long - tail boat trip around island .
Unfortunately, the wind was blowing strongly, I was feeling very seasick.
I was very relieved when I stopped at a strange place.
It got dark around me. Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. Someone, started running after me. I was very scared. I wanted to run away. Then, I fell. I screamed.
Suddenly, I heard voices my friends. They said : "it was a joke". I was very angry.
It was a terrible day.
I had a very bad day while I was visiting the Hvar Island in Croatia, NIEPOTRZEBNY PRZECINEKlast summer
with my friends.
One afternoon, I decided to go on a long - tail boat trip around PRZEDIMEK island .
Unfortunately, the wind was blowing strongly, I was feeling very seasick.
I was very relieved when I stopped at a strange place.
MUSISZ COŚ TUTAJ DODAĆ, ZEBY PRZEJŚCIE OD JEDNEGO ZDARZENIA DO DRUGIEGO BYIO PLYNNE. It got dark around me. Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. Someone,SKASUJ PRZECINEK started running after me. I was very scared. I wanted to run away. Then, I fell.DODAJ TU COŚ, TO NIE TELEGRAM... I screamed.
Suddenly, I heard voices my friends NAPISALAS: 'GŁOSY PRZYJACIELE'. They said : "it was a joke". I was very angry.
It was a terrible day.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie