Graph once again.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The graph depicts share price of Outokumpu companies over five years period, that is from 2006 to 2010. Unit on axis y is expressed in euro. In this moment we can see overall downward trend.

At the beginning of this period share price began significant growth with very small fluctuations until late 2006, when it steeply rose and peaked in January 2007 at around 31 euro. After that time and time again decreased or increased, altough ultimately before January 2008 it soared and again reached the highest level in middle of 2008[th or year?].

Henceforth share price suddenly decreased still end 2008th, when there was at its lowest level/share price fell to its lowest level at little above 7. Than was small recovery from around 7 euro to 15 euro. From this point it fluctuated until the end of December 2010.

To sum up through most of the period time it kept downward trend, but share price in January 2006 was same as in early December 2010, when Outokumpu companies loses one more euro.

The graph depicts (brakuje przedimka) share price of (dalabym przedimek) Outokumpu companies over (przedimek) five years period, 'that is from' (wg mnie niepotr) 2006 to 2010. (przedimek) unit on (przedimek) axis y is expressed in euro. 'In this moment' (a kiedy indziej to moze byc jak nie teraz - to jest za bardo po polsku i wg niepotrzebne) 'we' (ale przeciez ;'ja' tego nie widze, to dlaczego od razu 'we') can see (przedimek) overall downward trend.

'At the beginning of 'this period' (UZYLABYM 2006) (przedimek) share price began (przedimek) significant growth with very small fluctuations until late 2006, when it steeply rose and peaked in January 2007 at around 31 euro. After that time 'and time' (niepotr, tutaj daj IT) again decreased or increased, 'altough' (blad ortog - nie rob tego, sprawdzaj slowa ktore nie znasz) ultimately before January 2008 WHEN it soared and again reached the highest level in middle of 2008.[th or year?](po 2008 nic nie dajemy, to oznacza rok i tyle).

Henceforth share price suddenly decreased 'still' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) end '2008th' (kto i gdzie uczyl Ciebie ze tak sie pisze lata w jez. ang? No KTO!) , when 'there' (zadne 'there', tylko IT) was at its lowest level/('share price fell to its lowest level' (niepotr) at little above 7 (ale czego? musisz napisac). 'Than' (zle slowo) was (przedimek) small recovery from around 7 euro to 15 euro. From this point it fluctuated until the end of December 2010.

To sum up through most of the period time 'it' (ja dalabym tutaj 'the euro) kept (przedimek) downward trend, but share price in January 2006 was (przedimek) same as in early December 2010, when Outokumpu companies 'loses one more euro' (tego calkowicie nie rozumiem).

174 WORDS - bedzie wiecej, bo jak dasz te przedimki...
Cytat: terri
To sum up through most of the period time 'it' (ja dalabym tutaj 'the euro) kept (przedimek) downward trend, but share price in January 2006 was (przedimek) same as in early December 2010, when Outokumpu companies 'loses one more euro' (tego calkowicie nie rozumiem).

174 WORDS - bedzie wiecej, bo jak dasz te przedimki...

Faktycznie to nie ma sensu powinno być coś 'ala':

To sum up through most of the period time 'it' (ja dalabym tutaj 'the euro) kept (przedimek) downward trend. Lastly, it is important to highlight, that share price in January 2006 was (przedimek) same as in early December 2010, but to the end of month Outokumpu companies 'loses [tylko, że teraz chyba past simple to jest: lost one more euro' (tego calkowicie nie rozumiem).

PS: Nigdzie w całym moim tekście nie powinien być użyty Past Perfect/Present Perfect?
edytowany przez Creatorrr: 21 sty 2016