Dobrze myślę?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. He's .... to fall for that trick again. (to znaczy coś w stylu nie da się nabrać na ten 'trick' jeszcze raz?)

A - as smart as
B - too smart
C - enough smart
D - smart enough

2. Maybe I ..... the chess club tomorrow.

A - am joining
B - will join
C - going to join
D - joined

3. You should ... confirmation of your booking within three working days.

A - receive
B - to receive
C - receiving
D -received

4. The Declaration of Independence ... on July 4, 1776.

A - was signed
B - signed
C - is signed
D - have signed

5. The square root of 144 .. the cubic root of 27.

A - is equal to
B -equals
C - is greater than
D - is greater
edytowany przez Creatorrr: 31 sty 2016
1 tak, o to chodzi

wszystko ok


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