
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Sprawdźcie moje odp:
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. b
6. c

Well, it’s (1) ___ a busy day today. We’ve been getting ready for moving to the new house and I (2) ___ had to take all the posters off my bedroom walls and pack up all my things. The room looks so empty and sad now! We’ve been in this house for ten years, and in that time I’ve (3) ___ loads of rubbish! Earlier this afternoon I had a big clear-out of all my drawers and wardrobes. I found clothes that I haven’t worn (4) ___ years! It’s still difficult to throw them away, though. Mum (5) ___ been in a bad mood all day because the removal lorry can’t get here before two o’clock tomorrow. That doesn’t give us much time. Dad’s been clearing the garage and taking rubbish to the tip. He’s been five times (6) ___ today and he still hasn’t finished!

1 A be B been C being
2 A have B am C was
3 A collecting B collect C collected
4 A since B during C for
5 A have B has C was
6 A yet B for C already


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