Passive voice - tlumaczenie/poprawa

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam do przetłumaczenia na angielski 8zdań, próbowałam je przetłumaczyć sama, poprosiłabym o poprawę błędów, czy ewentualnych zmian. Dzięki!

1. W końcu pozbyto się tego niepożądanego gościa. - Finally has been got rid of the unwelcome guest.
2. Powiedziano mu prawdę. - It had been said the truth for him.
3. Obiecano chłopcu nagrodę. - The boy was promised to get a reward.
4. Dobrze się nim opiekują. - They are taken good care of him.
5. Często ją o to pytano. - She was often asked about that.
6. Na tym łóżku nigdy nie będzie się spać. - On this bed, it will never have slept.
7. Powiedziała żę pośle się doktora. - She said that she will be sent for a doctor.
8. Naszym planom towarzyszyło wiele trudności. - Our plan has been attended a lot of trouble.
1. Finally, the unwanted guest has been kicked out.
2. They told him the truth./He was told the truth.
3. ✓
4. They take good care of him./He is taken good care of.
5. ✓
6. This bed will never be slept on.
7. She said that she would go to the doctor.
8. Our plans have faced a lot of difficulties.
7, 8 - miała być strona bierna
3. to get niepotrzebne
Cytat: Spacekewbs
1. Finally, the unwanted guest has been kicked out.
2. They told him the truth./He was told the truth.
3. ✓
4. They take good care of him./He is taken good care of.
5. ✓
6. This bed will never be slept on.
7. She said that she would go to the doctor.
8. Our plans have faced a lot of difficulties.

pomoc nie polega na poprawie tego, co jest zle, ale na umiejetnym podpowiadaniu, naprowadzaniu na wlasciwe rozwiazanie
@ Spacekewbs
Znowu mamy kogos,kto chce sie pokazywac swoja niewiedza na temat jez. ang.
Prosze tego nie robic.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.