E-tailing - complete paragraphs

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Complete using the words: approach, browsers, databank, expectation, eyeballs, merchandising, purchase, search ads, website, web chats

1. Most visitors to a (1) website don't actually buy anything, so simply having lots of (2) 'browsers' doesn't mean there will be lots of sales. In fact, if the site attracts visitors through paid (3) search ads on Google or Yahoo, then bringing them actually costs money.

2. Customer service reps answer customer questions via live (4) web chats on the site. When a customer engages in live chat with a sales rep, the average (5) purchase doubles in value.

3. But instead of real customer service reps, manyy smaller e-tailers use animated characters that draw on a (6) databank of answers to commonly asked questions. E-tailers hope that the animated characters will turn (7) eyeballs into buyers.

4. When someone is shopping at home, they have an (8) expectation of privacy. Ted Martin, senior vice-president for (9) merchandising and operations at Overstock.com, said: 'We're taking the conservative (10) approach right now, we don't want to be intrusive.'

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