proszę o sprawdzenie zadania i pprawieni błędów

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My father is forty-two years old.He likes cleaing his car and doing some DIY.He is tall,and he has green eyes and black hair.He job is Chifa in Nowy Tomyśl.He likes going fishing and basketball.He doesn"t likes decorating the house.His favourite sport i golf.He is intelligend and tolerant.He sometimes go swimming.His favourite colors are blue and green.He likes wearing comfortable clothes.

I am three brothers,Paweł ,Przemek.Damian is eighteen years old.He is tall,brown hair and he has green eyes.He likes walking the dog.His favourite spois tennis.He loves annimals.He doesn"t likes dancing and reading.He likes collecting posters.Damian is intelligentand humoraus.

PAweł is sixteen years old.He has black hair and blue eyes.He likes swimming and going to the disco.His favourite colors are green and black.He likes eating pizza and hamburgers.He usually wearing trendy clothes.He loves meeting friends.He doesn"t likes learing languages.He can taking photographs.He doesn"t likes buying books.

Przemek is thirteen years old.He has black hair and brown eyes.He quite tall and slim.He likes riding a bike and playing computer games.He sometimes go to the theatre.He doesn"t learing langues.He love wearing green and brown clothes.He can reading fast and walking.Przemek is the youngest.
Jak dla mnie:

Pierwszy akapit:
He sometimes goes swimming.

Drugi akapit:
Nie zgadza mi sie cos w zdaniu: "He is tall, brown hear" Moze lepiej byłoby "He is tall. He has brown hear and green eyes"?

Trzeci akapit:
He usually wears trendy clothes zamiast "He usually wearing trendy clothes"

Czawrt akapit:
"He quite tall and slim." - Znowu to... Nie byłabym pewna...
He sometimes goes to the theatre zamiast "He sometimes go to the theatre"

Reszta wyglada na ok :)
Jak dla mnie:

Pierwszy akapit:
He sometimes goes swimming.

Drugi akapit:
Nie zgadza mi sie cos w zdaniu: "He is tall, brown hear" Moze lepiej byłoby "He is tall. He has brown hear and green eyes"?

Trzeci akapit:
He usually wears trendy clothes zamiast "He usually wearing trendy clothes"

Czawrt akapit:
"He quite tall and slim." - Znowu to... Nie byłabym pewna...
He sometimes goes to the theatre zamiast "He sometimes go to the theatre"

Reszta wyglada na ok :)
dziękuję bardzo za chyba masz racje..zapomniełem,ze dodaje się końcówke -s wkońcu to jest 3 os.liczby pojedyńczj..jeszcze raz wielkie dzieki
a wiesz moze jak będzie po angielku:Ja uczę się w technikum ekonomicznym w Poznaniu.Mój znak zodiaku to bliźnięta.Damian jest najstraszy.On uczy się w technikum mechanizacji rolnictwa
I learn in (technikum -vocational secondary school). My sign of zodiack is Germini. Damian' s oldest. He lernes in (i znow ten problem z technikum - nie wiem jak to ma byc poprawnie...)
I HAVE three brothers.
dzięki za poprawienie błędu..
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.