sprawdzicie?? - english in use

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy moglby ktos sprawdzic czy dobrze to zrobilam? Zadanie polega na tym ze trzeba podkreslic wyrazy ktore nie powinny sie znajdowac w tym tekscie. (Ja je zaznaczylam drukowanymi literami, a jesli zdanie jest dobrze dalam +) ale nie jestem pewna czy wszystko dobrze zrobilam dlatego potrzebuje waszej pomocy:)
0. The 17th century Irish farmer Robert Cook was the +
00. most startling figure in the region. He never DID wore
1. anything but the white linen. Not only were his +
2. nightclothes and skirts IN purest white but even so were
3. his suits, coats and hats. He become so famous for his +
4. clothes and his passion for white ALTHOUGH that he was
5. known all over Ireland as 'Linen Cook'. He refused HIM
6. to have any black cattle in the fields of his farm and even +
7. IF his horses had to be pure white. On one occasion a
8. fox which had BEEN attacked his poultry was caught.
9. However, he refused to allow it to be killed. Instead +
10. OF he gave it a lecture on the evils of murder and then
11. gave it UP a sporting chance to escape. Cook was
12. a passionate vegetarian and wouldn't have eat the flesh +
13. of any animal or wear anything WHICH produced by
14. an animal. He had a long and healthy life and finally +
15. died in 1726 when he was over THAN 80 years old.
16. Unsurprisingly, he was buried in a white shroud. +
12. wouldn't eat (bez have)
a faktycznie:) dzieki
a czy w 9 na pewno wszystko ok ? bo jakos tak dziwnie to brzmi