Przetłumaczenie krótkiej sentencji

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam problem z jednym zdaniem. Każde tłumaczenie wydaje mi się nieodpowiednie.
Chodzi o zdanie: "Jesteśmy w stanie tyle wolności wywalczyć ile jesteśmy w stanie jej sobie wyobrazić. Wolność zaczyna się w głowie."
Moje propozycje:
The degree of freedom we can win is only limited by our braveness and the extent of our imagination.
We can fight for freedom.
To what extand?
Be brave enough to imagine.
Freedom begins in the mind.

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc (przetłumaczenie, lub podpowiedzenie, czy podane przeze mnie propozycje są odpowiednie).
extand to zupelnie nie to slowo

a tak?
the degree of freedom we can win/achieve is only limited by what we can imagine
Ewentualnie 'To what extent'

Co do zdania to może być też tak: 'We are capable of fighting for as much freedom, as we can imagine. Freedom starts in our minds.'
'fighting for' znaczy 'walczyc o', a nie 'wywalczyc'
podoba mi się wersja mg, można 'the degree of freedom' zastąpić 'how much freedom' i tez dac 'by our imagination' zamiast 'by what we can imagine'

edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 20 sie 2018
We can't win more freedom than we seek.
We are able/fit to win as much freedom as we aspire after.
Freedoms begin in our heads.
Cytat: Janski
We can't win more freedom than we seek.

nie, 'szukać' i 'wyobrazić' to zupełnie co innego
The degree of freedom we can win is only limited by our braveness and the extent of our imagination.

Freedom is a higher-order abstract noun and is n o n i m a g i n i s t i c (rare word).
Any degree of an nonimaginistic concept (apparently nouns like freedom are gradable) would be hyper-nonimaginistic.
Cytat: Janski
n o n i m a g i n i s t i c (rare word).

Seems like a word you pulled out of your ass just now.
Cytat: zielonosiwy
Cytat: Janski
n o n i m a g i n i s t i c (rare word).

Seems like a word you pulled out of your ass just now.

When I say freedom, what image will your unlimited imagination invoke? You have never seen it, tasted it, touched it, smelt it, or perceived it in any way available to a human being. What image would that be then? Inquiring minds want to know. I will spare you the task of coping with (any) degree of it .
edytowany przez Janski: 27 sie 2018
You've been reinventing the wheel that whole time. There exists a word describing this kind of nouns — we call them abstract nouns. Ever heard of it?
So freedom does not, in any significant way, differ from other such nouns and it doesn't matter if you can imagine something tangible that you associate the word with or not. Some people do, some don't. Some may find it helpful to think of The Statue of Liberty or Lech Walesa's V sign when uttering the word. I, for one, don't.
The same applies to literally every such a noun: love, brilliance, God, evil and so on and so forth. Glad I could help you clear that out.
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 27 sie 2018
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.