jeszcze raz...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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Dear Ann
Thank you for your last letter. Everything is OK? I am really sad, because you didn’t visit me last week!
Last time you asked me about my plans of ‘Plant a tree’ day. I organize this day, because I think this is very important for our planet. In our word is overkill excessive logging. That’s why we must organize more and more tree-planting! This day is on next Saturday on old area next to my house. I think it is a good idea because every day I can look at the little cuttings and I can take care of its. In this day you must be with me! I like doing these things very much. I feel that is really important.
In the end you must tell me about tree-planting day in your town. Do you like it? Please write soon.

Love Jane.

wiem napewno jest sporo bledow ale dz za pomoc:)
Is everything ok?
a no faktycznie to pytanie, wiec odwrotna kolejosc.. gluptak ze mnie:P a co z reszta? bo nie wieze ze bez blednie....


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