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1. Today, the Business Cycle Theory is used to explain the routine behaviour of the annual growth or fall of GDP. The Gross Domestic Product is on a five- to ten-year cycle of economical e??????? and recession.

2. It is important that people in power understand these theories and are aware of the rational expectations of the c?????????

3. A positive shock to the economy is useless, if consumers expect it and adjust their utility curves accordingly. Therefore politics is often used as a tool to disguise
the implementation of an economic p???????????

Później dodam reszte zadania do sprawdzenia
I'd like to know if the rest of the text is related to these sentences.
1 antonym Czy tam na pewno jest economical?
2 duh
3 dobrobyt?
edytowany przez Aaric: 31 sty 2020
2 no wlasnie
3 dobrobyt nie laczy sie z 'an', sam nie wiem
3 mishtook? an p??????
dobrobyt jest niepoliczalny
That too ;-)
3 strategia
2 spolecznosc?
albo klientela?
either one sounds good
1 rozwoj
1 ja bym dał the opposite
czy jest cycle rozwoju i recesji?
sprawdziłem słownik - rozwój też ;-) what do you know.
edytowany przez Aaric: 01 lut 2020
dodatkowo, w 2 bedzie slowo, ktore wystepuje w pragrafie #3
Cytat: engee30
dodatkowo, w 2 bedzie slowo, ktore wystepuje w pragrafie #3

masz rację. Mnie zmylilo określenie 'people in power', ktore kojarzylo mi sie z polityka, a tu chodzi o biznes, handel.
Z kontekstu i z faktu że jest the wnioskuję że w 2 może być inna odpowiedź.
edytowany przez Aaric: 01 lut 2020
Three real giants of intellect must join forces in a strenuous effort to show off their wares and solve a crossword puzzle for preschoolers.

…economic expansion (expansion is a poor antonym of recession).
…of the consumers.
…economic policy.
Cytat: Janski
…economic expansion (expansion is a poor antonym of recession).

dlaczego szukac antonymow? nie lepiej zaleznosci w tym kontekscie?
We knew 'economical expansion'
I'm doubtful about consumers and not so sure about 3.
2: commons, country, moze nawet countrymen
mozna zgadywac
Cytat: Janski
Three real giants of intellect must join forces in a strenuous effort to show off their wares and solve a crossword puzzle for preschoolers.

There is tacit agreement among those who give advice on this forum that we should not provide answers right away, but instead give hints to guide the asker to an answer. I did not think it was beyond your intellectual powers to understand this (and follow suit), but I was wrong.
Cytat: mg
Cytat: Janski
I did not think it was beyond your intellectual powers to understand this (and follow suit), but I was wrong.

People don't jump to conclusions like that. Let that be a lesson to you and the like I hope :D
Cytat: Janski
Three real giants ... solve a crossword puzzle.

I dread to think what happens to you ego if the three solutions are actually wrong. Just keep your head up.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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