
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wymyśliłem takie zdanie, i przy okazji słowo :), i nie wiem jak pozbyć się tego drugiego.

Relying on product obsolescence and barriers to product re-usability as a means to growth is a sign of uninnovativity.

Zauważcie, że do tego wszystkiego doszedł jeszcze rym :)
Relying on planned obsolescence, built-to-fail design, and contrived product disposability as means of growing business is a sign of unimaginative thinking.

Growing business on planned obsolescence, built-to-fail design, and contrived product disposability is a sign of unimaginative thinking.
Thank you, Janski. That is helpful. Yes, it is planned - not product - obsolescence.

I think I'll go with not being innovative as I can't find anything better than that.