Cytat: midnight_cowboy
i. Rosemary’s ridiculous ideas are the source of constant amusement to me.
ii. Rosemary’s ridiculous ideas are a constant source of amusement to me.
Czy może mi ktoś wyjaśnić motywację za użyciem przedimków w tych dwóch zdaniach. Dlaczego w jednym jest a constant source a w drugim source? To, co mi przychodzi do głowy, to że może w drugim mamy modyfikację rzeczownika source przymiotnikiem.
In "the source of constant amusement," "the source" names a kind. It's called "weak definite," because its characteristic token uniqueness is not there, and "source" is a relative noun.
Kinds do not accept modifications other than those that name subkinds. Therefore "the constant source of (constant) amusement" would lose its weak definite reading, which is often intended. For example, presentations of novelties usually choose indefinites,
The weak definite parses differently than regular definites: [the source =kind] [of constant amusement].