Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie :]

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o korekte :]

1.Is there a job you would definitely not like to do. Why? Why not?

I wouldn't to be a teacher. I think this job is very stressing. Teachers will to be patient , and they will like work with joung people.

2. I would to be a businesswoman. I think this is very interessting job. Very important in this job is comunication with people. Businesswoman must to can a different language. This is presting job and can many .

Bardzo dużo błędow, ale przede wszystkim cała druga część NIE na temat. Radzę przemyśleć i jeszcze raz napisać. Trzy zdania to trochę mało
Dzieki za informacje ze jest duzo bledow..zupelnie nie potrzebna bo zdaje sobie z tego sprawe! Ale skoro widzisz te bledy to czemu mnie nie porawisz..?? wymadrzac to sie kazdy moze! A druga czesc tekstu nie jest do 1 pytania!
I wouldn't to be a teacher. I think this job is very stressing.
>Teachers will to be patient , and they will like work
>with joung people.

I wouldn't like to be a teacher. Teachers work with young people. It is a very stressful job and what's more, it requires much patience.
It is a very stressful job. Moreover, it requires much patience.
I wouldn't like to work as a teacher because I think this work can be really depressing and soul-destroying. Teachers have to be patinent and should enjoy working with young people(kids) so I think this job isn't for me.My dream is to become a businesswoman. It must be very interesting job. I like communicating with other people and I think that is very important for this job. beside I would like earn vast amount of money
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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