When my next-door neighbour Alex came back from his first term at university, he had changed completely. He had grown his hair long, and, when I saw him, he was wearing baggy cotton clothes instead of the cool clothes he had worn before. He looked like a hippy! When I asked him about his new look, he told me that he had been to a meeting about the environment when he
arrived at university, and after a few weeks he had joined Greenpeace. Now he says he's an eco-activist!
Czy ktoś mi może pomóc pojąć dlaczego w przedostatnim zdaniu ma być arrived zamiast had arrived? (tak jest w kluczu) Ogólnie bardzo lubię gramatykę, ale past perfect to moja zmora. Jest to dla mnie nielogiczne, bo skoro w całym przedostatnim zdaniu mówimy o "zaprzeszłości", to dlaczego użyto tam czasu past simple? HELP
P.S. Zadanie z podręcznika na poziomie B1+, temat to past perfect oczywiście.