prosze o pomoc!!! PILNE

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam problem z stroną bierną czy może mi ktoś pomóc??

Should you have any questions feel free to post them.
z chęcią pomogę a o co chodzi konkretnie??
o konkretne zdania NP. Someone seems to have made a terrible mistake
mam to przerobić na stronę bierną
Terrible mistake seems to have been made (by someone)
pomożesz mi z innymi??
jeśli je napiszesz... to pomoge.
The police shuden t allow people to park there
moge wysłać ci je na maila będzie łatwiej
People shouldn't be allowed to park there.
nie, napisz tu. Od tego jest forum, może później ktoś z tego skorzysta i nie będzie trzeba się powtarzać.
ok tylko tego troche jest
-Has someone pasted my parcel
-People know that hi is ...
-You needen t have done this
He likes people to call him sir
- Someone is following us
You have to see it to believe it
we know that you were in town on the night of the crime
>-Has someone pasted my parcel

Has my parcel been pasted?

>-People know that hi is ...

He is known to be....

>-You needen t have done this
It needn't have been done.
He doesen t like people laughing at him
People believe that he was killed by terrorist
we don t allow smoking
>He likes people to call him sir

He likes to be called sir.

>- Someone is following us..

We are being followed..

>You have to see it to believe it.

It has to be seen to believe it.

>we know that you were in town on the night of the crime

You are known to be in town on the night of the crime
He doesen t like people laughing at him
People believe that he was killed by terrorist
we don t allow smoking
Before they invented printing people had to write everything by hand
They are repairing my piano at the moment
they will make him apologise
> He doesen t like people laughing at him

He doesn't like being laughed at

> People believe that he was killed by terrorist

It is believed that he was killed by a terrorist
He is believed to have been killed by a terrorist
A terrorist is believed to have killed him

> we don t allow smoking

Smoking is not allowed.
>You have to see it to believe it.

It has to be seen to believe it.

Powinno być It has to be seen to be believed.
> Before they invented printing people had to write everything by hand

Before printing was invented, people had to write everything by hand.

> They are repairing my piano at the moment

My piano is being repaired at the moment.

> they will make him apologise

He will be made apologise.
-we ask tourtsts not to play their radios loudly after midnight
-they haven t stamped the letter
-Don t touch this switch
> they will make him apologise

He will be made apologise.

He will be made TO apologiZe :-) roght?
> -we ask tourtsts not to play their radios loudly after midnight

Tourists are asked not to play their radios loudly after midnight.

> -they haven t stamped the letter

The letter hasn't been stamped.

> -Don t touch this switch

This switch can't be touched. (?)
we have to finish it today
she cannot warn them of the danger
has he drunk all the coffe yet
to są ostatnie 3!!
>we have to finish it today

It has to be finished today.

>she cannot warn them of the danger

They cannot be warned of the danger (by her).

>has he drunk all the coffe yet

Has all the coffee been drunk by him yet?
JESTEŚCIE WIELCY :):):):):):)::):):):):):):):):):):):)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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