Polityczne słowka...pomozcie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy może ktoś pomóc mi uzupełnić poniższe wykropkowane miejsca odpowiednim słowem lub wyrażeniem???

1. Every human society needs some form of g.............. . ( government?) Its purpose is to organize and control that society.

2. The second largest party in the House of Commons is called the o........... .(opposition?)

3. The president of the US may v........ (vote?) a decision, wheras the British Prime Minister does not have that power to stop an action from happening in goverment.

4. Communists have been called l....... (?) w.........(?).

5. Every country has their own f........ (?) p ........(?), which refers to a consistent course of actions to deal with another nation.
1 2 ok
3 veto!!!
4 ??
5 polityka zagramaniczna - przetlumacz sobie, na pewno wiesz
4. left wing
A w tych zdaniach?

6. Money, political consultants and the media play a significant role in the succes or failure of an American political c.......... .(control?)

7. It came as quite a surprise when Washington offered Warsaw a leading role in a............... (?) a military zone in post-conflict Iraq.

8. Poland can participate in international missions with a UN or NATO m ............(?), not as a US ally.
6. campaign
w 8 dalabym members, a nad 7 mysle :)
7) może administering
Dzieki za pomoc.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


FCE - sesja letnia 2006