Prosze o sprawdzenie czy dobrze zrobilam

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze sprawdzcie czy dobrze to zrobilam, ucze sie sama w domu i nie mam kogo prosic o sprawdzenie


1. A lot of people were killed when the Mouse was burnt dowan.
2. These glasses were broken yesterday.
3. When the sunny spells set in, the ice melted I a short time.
4. Will three pairs of shoes be enough?
5. Today is the thirtieth day of the month.
6. If you don't mop the floor you won't go to the cinema today.

1. Wiele ludzi zginelo, kiedy spalil sie dom.
2. Te okulary zostaly wczoraj zepsute.
3. Kiedy nadchodza okresy sloneczne lód topi sie w krótkim czasie.
4. Czy trzy pary butów wystarcza?
5. Dzisiaj jest trzydziesty dzien miesiaca.
6. Jesli nie zmyjesz podlogi nie pójdziesz dzisiaj do kina.

1. Czesto sie budze, gdy na dworze jest halas.
2. Czy jej okulary sa bardziej nowoczesne niz twoje?
3. Te drzewa byly powalone w huraganie.
4. W tym koszmarze ja spadam z wysokiego budynku.
5. Tej wiosny mamy bardzo zmienna pogode.
6. Jesli bedziemy negocjowac dostaniemy podwyzke.

1. I often wake up when there is noise out of doors.
2. Are her glasses more modern than your?
3. These trees were blown down in the hurricane.
4. In this nightmare I fall from high building.
5. We have very changeable weather this spring.
6. If we negotiate we will get a raise.

1. I will buy this car if it will be cheap.
I will buy this car if it be cheap.
2. It will be on 23 January.
It will be on 23rd January.
3. This house wasn't build last year.
This house wasn't built last year.
4. Last winter was sevire.
Last winter was severe.
5. If she is late for work tomorrow they fire her.
If she is late for work tomorrow they will fire her.
6. Has that dog been bought last year?
Was that dog bought last year?