Help:)przetłumaczenie/kilka prostych zdań o sobie

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Bardzo bym prosiła o pomoc dopiero zaczynam nauke angielskiego :]

Ja mam 14lat
Ja lubie pływać i jeździć rowerem
Ja interesuje siÄ™ muzykÄ… reggae
W wolnym czasie lubie czytać ksiązki
Mam jednÄ… siostre.

dziękuje z gory :*
I'm fourteen years.rnI like swimming and riding bicykle.rnI'm interesting music reggae.rnI like read books in free time.rnI have got one siter.
Długo nie trzeba było czekać.

Leniom nie chce się odrabiać zadań domowych, ale to nie szkodzi, bo zawsze znajdzie się na forum jakiś frajer, który wyświadczy przysługę i zadanko odrobi.
i tak żle, 5 nie bedzie :(
może jakieś 3...
przecież tego typu zdania wszędzie znajdziesz! nawet Ci się w googlach nie chciało pogrzebać????
I'm interested in rnI'm interesting - jestem interesujacy? ;)
Why do you always think they are fuckin' lazy bums?
She asked of help but you, of course didn't move your fingers to write sth!!
Who is lazy now?:D

JA mam 14 lat - Mam 14 lat
I'm (a) 14 (fourteen) years old. I'm 14

Ja lubie plywac i jezdzic rowerem - Lubie jezdzic na rowerze
I'm fancy bicycle riding. I like to ride on a bicycle

JA interesuje sie muzyka reggae - Lubie reggae
I like reggae /I listen to reggae /I fancy reggae / I like reggae most / I'm interested in reggae / I find pleasure when listenig to reggae (Uwielbiam sluchac reggae) - word-by-word Znajduje przyjemnosc w sluchaniu muzyki reggae.

W wolnym czasie lubie czytac ksiazki - Wolnym czasem lubie czytac - W wolnym czasie czytam (czytuje)

During my spare time I like to read books / If I have some time to spare, I usually read. Leisure time I'm reading books/ I take to (phrasal verb - *take to* = to like) read books when free of homework, housework.etc (It's slightly different but the sense is the same).

Mam jedna siostrÄ™

I've got one sister - more common while speaking/ I have one sister - in written English
>Why do you always think they are fuckin' lazy bums?

I don't know if they are fuckin' lazy bums, but lazy bums they are for sure.
And why? Because it was only a few sentences and she didn't even try to write them. So she says she's a beginner, eh? So what? That's not an excuse. Everybody was a beginner at one time. And if she continues to ask for "help", she'll remain a beginner forever.

By the way, you can't call that "asking for help". She asked to do her homework. Why? Because she's lazy. And it's only the first week of school.
And whoever does their homework for them, is not doing them any favours. They are not going to learn anything that way. You can only learn something by being involved in it. And by being involved I mean actually DOING IT YOURSELF.
Please note that some of your sentences are not in standard English.
>And whoever does their homework for them, is not doing them any
>favours. They are not going to learn anything that way. You can only
>learn something by being involved in it. And by being involved I mean

Not quite. As you can see I've written some alternatives in order to make her start thinkin' how many ways you can say this or that in. I strongly believe,that people whose English is far beyond perfect may have find it attractive, in a way, to start multiply knowledge they gained and make their simple sentense more sophisitcated.

Under no circumstances must we say to them - you're lazy bum when they satrin' learnin' English. It may caused irreversible changes in their mind:d.
We should assist them, as much we can or as much as we want but not to bollocked any time they require/ask us for help.
>Under no circumstances must we say to them - you're lazy bum when they
>satrin' learnin' English.

I agree. But the lazy bum who started this topic has not interest in learning English. She only wants someone to do her homework. Clearly, she does not care whether she learns something or not.

It may caused irreversible changes in their

May cause? Too late, merix. The changes in her mind have already happened: she's already lazy. Now someone needs to kick her butt and get her moving again.

>We should assist them, as much we can or as much as we want but not to
>bollocked any time they require/ask us for help.

Assist them? I agree. Any time. As long as it is true assistance and help and NOT DOING THEIR HOMEWORK FOR THEM. They won't learn anything if you give them the answers. This isn't rocket science, merix, so make an effort and try to understand it.
Hear! Hear!
It's just a piece of homework and you argue out. By Jove, you're not going to save the world ( or the person's career) by doing (or not) their homework.
Keep it cool!
I agree. But the lazy bum who started this topic has not interest in
>learning English. She only wants someone to do her homework.
>Clearly, she does not care whether she learns something or not.

How do you know that? I'm not with ya. I think she wants to be informed how to write 'these' above.
As such, she asked us and specified precisely what knowledhe she's got in English. Once we found out it's almost nought she was panished and bollocked by her laziness or for her lazy attitude, you of course know it was, don't ya?

May cause? Too late, merix. The changes in her mind have already
>happened: she's already lazy. Now someone needs to kick her butt and
>get her moving again.

Again, how do you know she's lazy? Maybe she's good at sth else and temporarily asked for help. If these sentences are so simple why can't we make them believe in their capacities, as such, to proove they are that simple, indeed. But no one can learn English without being properly informed or ahowed how to whether speak or write.
If you asked to help with fixin' a tap, I would understand you may reject helpin' but havin' been asked by her you simply tollerated as if she were fuckin', yet another bum who require help. You assume she doesn't get involved but why? Are you so biasad towards "the askin' for simple help'?


Get it straight, you assumed that and make even yourself believe it is.
It's nothing wrong with helpin' even if your mind tells you it's not gonna work. Who knows maybe, if they are encouraged knowingly they would show effort they put into to make some small but improvements.
sorx..proove - proof
merix, honey, your grammar is egregious and your sentences are awkward. Was somebody "helping" you when you were beginning to learn English?
>Again, how do you know she's lazy?

She didn't even try to do her homework. She asked others to do it for her.

Maybe she's good at sth else and
>temporarily asked for help.

Being good at *something else* does not excuse a person from doing their homework. We had a zillion of those posts last year: I'm not good at English, but I know German. So what? You're a student - you do what you're are told to do or suffer the consequences.

But no one can learn English without being
>properly informed or ahowed how to whether speak or write.

I'm sure she was properly informed in class. She just CHOSE not to learn and she CHOSE not to do her homework. Her right? Maybe. But if that's the case, then she should face the consequences and not ask others to do her work.

You assume she
>doesn't get involved but why?

Why? Because she didn't even try. End of story.

Are you so biasad towards "the askin'
>for simple help'?

She didn't ask for HELP; she asked to do her homework.

And by the way, merix, you have no clue how to use non standard English. The result is quite pathetic. Don't do it. Stick to standard; you'll fare much better.
you have no clue how to use non standard

eh? - can you elaborate on it a lil' bit
I've got a clue. You're really good Eve.
Could you direct me?
>merix, honey, your grammar is egregious and your sentences are
>awkward. Was somebody "helping" you when you were beginning to learn

IS it that bad?
I'm lacking gramma things.
NO one was helping me when started learnin' English.
I gotta work on it a lil' bit.
egregious gramma - wierutna gramatyka
What do yo mean ?
I'm fancy bicycle riding. I like to ride on a bicycle

Hmmm, merix...
no tak nie do konca dobrze to przetlumaczylas...

I'm fancy cycling
I like to ride a bicycle/a bike
I'm fancy - czy takie cos w ogole istnieje?
*I'm fancy - raczej nie - 'I fancy...'to tak (sama to uzywam)
Chyba byłoby lepiej w ogóle nie ruszać pierwszej wersji odpowiedzi ;-) Przynajmniej pytająca osoba dostałaby ocenę na jaką zasługuje. Co jak co ale tego typu zdań uczą już na pierwszej lekcji języka obcego.
Merix jestes super. Robisz zarabiste bledy, ale jak Ci je wytknac to sie poprawiasz, i wtedy z reguly masz racje =)
I support eva74. If somebody is angry, one should give them a fishing rod, not a fish...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.