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my namie is lalalal... lalala... I com from Poland. I am eighteen years old. I learn in the three alass secondary school. I am writind in taking part in summer englisch course. I would like to know more when this course is starting?
my namie is lalalal... lalala...
>> nice name :-)

I com from Poland.
>> come
I am eighteen years old.
I learn in the three alass secondary school.
>> I am a student of a third class at secondary school
or I am learning at secondary school, in a third class.

I am writind in taking part in summer englisch course.
>> writing, ale to zdanie jest niepoprawne
moze byc np.
I am writing to you, because I am interested in your English summer course.

I would like to know more when this course is starting?
>> I would like to get to know/to be informed when does this course start?
I would like to know jest jakby mniej formalne. Jak piszesz do instytucji, to trzeba sie wysilic :-)
widac, ze to jest praca domowa - jest wiecej takich samych napisow - o wyszukiwarce to ludzie chyba nie slyszeli...
*I would like to know more when this... - to jest nie poprawnie...
Albo sie pisze 'I would like to know when...'
albo 'I would like more information of when this...'
I would like to get to know...- nie/nie...I would like to know/be informed...


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