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Z kolegom poprawiłem list ale niejestem pewien czy jest dobrze napisany możecie to sprawdzić ;] Z Góry Dzieki List :

Dear Maciek

I'm writing to you from Kołobrzeg. The city is beatiful and the beach is wonderful. I'm having a great time. In the morning me and my friends go to the beach. At the afternoon we go playing football and volleyball. This weekend will be very interesting. I'm going to play football and volleyball with my friends. My last weekend was very boring because I visited my uncle and my grandmother.

I'm looking forward to hearing from You
Yours Bartek
ok ale
'me and my friends' (to jest ok) ale lepiej napisac 'my friends and I'
IN the afternoon...
mozna tez na koniec...Best wishes, Yours Bartek.
I'm looking forward.. - to troche 'za oficjalne' do takiego listu.
prosze o sprawdzenie

I would like to sell the equipment to the stereo. I must do it because I am moving to the different city and I cannot take it. He has two big loudspeakers. My valuable it is 200 $. If you are interested call (o44/6-234-736)

Hi Barbara,
I went for the weekend to the Brussels. I arrived here with the brother. I am keeping him company because he is travelling here business. We are living with the very nice family. We are spending evening in clubs. We are flying in on September the eleventh.
Love, XYZ
dwa bledy:

1.In the morning me and my friends go to the beach. powinno byc: In the morning my friends and I go to the beach.

2. At the afternoon we go playing football and volleyball. powinno byc: In the afternoon we go playing football and volleyball.

nakoncu lepiej napisac: Yours truly Bartek