Proszę o sprawdzenie zdań:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam prośbę może mi ktoś powiedzieć czy te zdania są poprawne a jesli nie to proszę o korektę;)

1. Bob never studies enough for exams.
2. Jane and Alex usually go swimming at the weekend.
3. Julian frequently reads two novels at the same time.
4. Stella is always taking on loud her voice in a mobile
5. Sam is never in bad mood for a long.
6. Tom is regulary late for work because is the heavy traffic
7. Pauline is always complaining about something.
8. My mother often loses her keys to the house.
9. I never go shopping for clothes with my sister.
10. She frequently gets headaches in summer.

Bardzo dziękuję
1. ok
2. ok
3. ok.
4. nie rozumie zdania - ale moze byc tak - Stella is always taLking IN a loud voice ON her mobile
5. Sam is never in 'a' bad mood for (bez 'a'tutaj)long.
6. Tom is regularLy late for work because 'of the heavy traffic' albo 'the traffic is heavy'
7. ok
8. ok
9. ok


Au Pair


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