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Dear Darek W-wa 15 October 2006

I am apologizing that a long way I didn't write but I didn't have time. Happily I reached home. I would like to thank you warmly for the help and your hospitality. On my return home I remembered events from holidays spent at you. I remembered about the event on the lake. I hope that you are bearing them in mind if I remind you not it. During the walk on the lake suddenly something started moving in the water. It slowly flowed out from depths of the lake we were horrified. We thought whether it wasn’t a monster from the legend. Suddenly it leaned something head from the lake. Much to our surprise he wasn't it is only no monster dog which dove behind the stick. After this event we could not stop laughing. I would like so that at one time such a situation repeats itself. Very in order to pleased if you were willing to arrive to me for the most recent holidays.

I am greeting your XYZ
proszę was sprawdźcie to ja dopiero zaczynam sie uczyć angielskiego i bardzo chciałabym to dobrze napisać