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Bob Johnson was a famous businessman and traveler. He had earned his first money investing on Stock Exchange. He was so reach that he could fly all over the world in his well provide Bowing 707, and sail his big yachts on every seas and oceans. Each year for holidays he took his family to visit different countries and theirs capital cities.

But sometimes everything goes wrong. Unexpectedly Bob’s stock started losing theirs value very fast, because journalists claimed that directors of Johnson’s company had taken bribe. He also had many unpaid credits and big debts. His life was very expensive and luxury for that reason expenses weren’t controlled. Now he was intimidating and blackmailing that his wife or children would be kidnapped if he don’t get back borrowed money.

Nevertheless Bob didn’t stop thinking about journeys. He has been planning expedition into dangerous mountains in Asia for two years. Now he would like to realize his dreams. The journey had to least one month. Bob promised his family that he would send messages and make phone calls every day. But after few days he didn’t give any signs of life. His wife was distraught. She informed mountain rescue teams but they didn’t find Bob’s body.

Did something or someone kill Bob? Or maybe he ran away from his problems and nowadays he lives somewhere as a new person. Nobody would ever learn the truth.

Dzięki wielkie za pomoc :)
Pozdrawiam ;)
Matka Chrzestna 8)
Bob Johnson was a famous businessman and travelLer. He had earned his
first money investing on THE Stock Exchange. He was so reach (napewno masz na mysli RICH) that he could fly all over the world in his well provide (napewno nie 'provide' moze equipped?) Bowing (Nie, prosze znajdz jak to sie pisze) 707, and sail his big yachts on every sea and ocean (bez 's'). Each year for holidays he took his family to visit different countries and their (bez 's') capital cities.
Unexpectedly Bob's stock started losing theirs (dlaczego theirs? 'their wystarczy) value very fast, because journalists claimed that directors of Johnson's company had taken bribeS. He also had many unpaid credits and big (znajdz inne slowo - 'big' to jest za potoczne) debts. His life was very expensive and luxurIOUS AND for that reason expenses weren't (lepiej w calosci 'were not') controlled. Now he was intimidating (czy masz na mysli intimating?) and blackmailing (blackmailing kogo?)that his wife or children would be kidnapped if he don't (no, 'he don't' jest za potocznie - moze he 'did not') get back (moze lepiej 'returned') THE borrowed money. Nevertheless Bob didn't stop thinking about FUTURE journeys. He haD been planning AN expedition into THE dangerous mountains OF Asia for two years.
The journey had to least (nie least - chyba LAST) one month. But after A few days he didn't (moze 'had not given') any signs of life. She informed THE mountain rescue teams but they didn't (moze lepiej 'could not') find Bob's body.
Or (dlaczego 'or'? mozna od 'maybe') maybe he ran away from his problems and nowadays lives somewhere ELSE as a new person (mozna tez 'with a new identity). Nobody would ever learn (mozna tez 'know')the truth.
ok dzięki ;)
tak wygląda tekst po zmianach :) :

Bob Johnson was a famous businessman and traveler. He had earned his first money investing on The Stock Exchange. He was so rich that he could fly all over the world in his well equipped Boeing 707, and sail his big yachts on every sea and ocean. Each year for holidays he took his family to visit different countries and their capital cities.

But sometimes everything goes wrong. Unexpectedly Bob’s stock started losing their value very fast, because journalists claimed that directors of Johnson’s company had taken bribes. He also had many unpaid credits and was deep in debt. His life was very expensive and luxurious and for that reason expenses were not controlled. Now he was intimidating and blackmailing that his wife or children would be kidnapped if he didn’t returned the borrowed money.

Nevertheless Bob didn’t stop thinking about future journeys. He had been planning an expedition into the dangerous mountains of Asia for two years. Now he would like to realize his dreams. The journey had to last one month. Bob promised his family that he would send messages and make phone calls every day. But after few days he hadn’t given any signs of life. His wife was distraught. She informed the mountain rescue teams but they couldn’t find Bob’s body.

Did something or someone kill Bob? Maybe he ran away from his problems and nowadays he lives somewhere else as a new person with a new identity. Nobody would ever learn the truth.