mail do znajomej z Izraela - może ktoś sprawdzić?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I am, Lukas. We met at my school in Poland. I hope that you still remember me.
I have a few question to you, which I forgot ask when we are seeing. I want find out something about you. As for as I remember you are living in Risham city (?).
How long you were in Poland? What interesting places have you visited? Have you enoyed your visit in Poland? I would like get to any photo what you were taking.
If you can it will write me something about you, your country. I enjoy answering your questions so keep asking. Best greeting for you and Amit, tell her that I was writing for you.

I'm looking forward from you.

Your friend from Poland.
ps. In annex there is file with polish kind of music punk-rock, little polish culture ;p Maybe it will like it.
Dzięki z góry za sprawdzenie. Pzdr.
I am, (dlaczego tutaj widze przecinek?) Lukas.
I have a few questionS to you, which I forgot TO ask when we SAW EACH OTHER.
I want TO find out something about you. As fAR as I CAN remember you are living
in Risham city (?).
How long WERE YOU in Poland? Have you enoyed your visit TO Poland? I would like TO get any photos WHICH YOU TOOK.
If you can, PLEASE write me something about you AND your country.
Best greetingS for you and Amit, tell her that I WROTE TO YOU.
I'm looking forward TO A LETTER from you.
...Maybe it (jak mowisz o ludziach to lepiej podaj tutaj imie, albo napisz 'you will like it') will like it.
dzięki terri, jeszcze powiedz mi czy pytanie do jakiej chodzisz szkoły/klasy to będzie "What do you attend to a class/school?" ? a może "Which class are you attending?" ?
jeszcze jedno, czy to jest poprawne zdanie : For safety I will send this mail with it mail's copy. ?
I'll send a copy of this letter for safety reasons
Which school do you attend? Which class are you in?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.