kto mi sprawdzi????:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.It was snowing(snow)heavily on that cold, dark night when George Bailey left(leave) his office and began(begin) his long journey home.
2.She was tidying(tidy) her room when suddenly the lights
3.Jasper was sleeping (sleep) and his father watched(watch) Tv when the earthquake stroke (strike)
4.As Mary was feeding (feed) the ducks, a small boy rushed(rush) up to her and grab (grab) her arm.
5.He was (be) unable to sleep because the wind whistled (whistle) through the trees in the forest outside.
6.I came across (come across)Ann as I was walking( walk) throught the park with my dog.
Prosze jakby moglby ktos mi to poprawic i przetłumaczyć troszke
z gory dzieki ja sam probuje i dziwnie mi to wychodzi
help me!!!! prosze
heh nikt nie pomoże no trudno:(
wg mnie,
1. ok
2. to jest fragment zdania, ale jest ok
3. was watching
4. grabbed
5. was whistling
6. ok - ale 'through'


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